JAKARTA - Realizing that many musicians were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or the corona virus, Record Union, a Swedish digital distributor, made a special starter pack for musicians. This step is taken so that music activists can maintain mental health through five aspects: nutrition, positivity, practice, attention, and sleep.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to develop, has resulted in the cancellation of a number of events and music projects. This will certainly reduce the productivity and income of the musicians.

This was also interpreted by Johan Svanberg as the CEO of Record Union who saw the domino effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The music industry measures success from a commercial basis where money is always the first to come. But in achieving this success, we can see many artists who find tremendous pressure and fear failure, "he said as quoted by Pitchfork, Friday, April 3.

To create a healthier industrial atmosphere, Record Union believes mental health needs to be maintained. Therefore, they invited five experts according to the category to share ways to control musicians mental health through five aspects. Daniel Gartenberg as a sleep health expert, Erik Fenrholm as a positivity expert, Dr. Judson Brewer who is a psychiatrist as a mindfullness expert, Dr. Joseph Firth as a fitness expert, and Dr. Lina Begdache as a nutritionist.

The development of the Wellness Starter Pack was started based on data collection conducted by the Record Union. As many as 73 percent of 1,489 musicians feel negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression that inspire them to make music. Through their website, 63 percent thought less about mental health and preferred getting enough sleep, preferring to be surrounded by positive people, eating well, exercising, and being aware of their own feelings.

With a duration of 30 minutes, each video was made through a teleconference session. Watching the Wellness Starter Park session can be an alternative for musicians and us in dealing with the corona virus outbreak. Massive over-reporting builds up a feeling of worry and subconsciously attacks the emotional part.

This knowledge is provided free of charge or free to users and musicians who feel similar complaints. You can watch the five Wellness Starter Pack videos through the YouTube Record Union channel.

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