JAKARTA - Echa Soemantri, through a video uploaded on TikTok, has called for concerns about the rampant phenomenon of buying and selling music sequences that have occurred in recent times.
Meanwhile, music sequences are devices used to record, edit, and replay music data in digital form.
Many musicians, producers, and sound engineers use music sequences to compose songs, background music, or voice effects. They are also popular in electronic music production, scoring films, and live performances.
Echa said he was grateful when many people used his music songs or arrangements as stated in the secretary. However, the practice of buying and selling sequences is considered unethical.
Karena prinsipnya, membuat lagu yang bagus is one thing, tapi membuat aransmen yang bagus is another thing. Lagu yang bagus tanpa aransmen yang bagus tidak akan jadi karya fun, kata Echa Soemantri.
"In principle, I'm happy, I'm grateful. But when it comes to (my music secretary) being traded, it's a form of fraud, it's a form of intimidation, it's unethical," he continued.
The 35-year-old drummer sees the practice of buying and selling music sequencers as tantamount to trading what is the right of others.
"I understand that some need money, I understand some need recognition., but don't do that, there are still many ways to be honest successful, sincerely Kita as a musician, as an artist, as an artist must support each other," he said.
Echa also regretted the behavior of some people who did not write song credits well, by including in detail who wrote the song and who worked on the music arrangement.
"Make it simple," wrote the name of the song's creator, "wrote the name of the arranger, that's it, it won't be complicated," he concluded.
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