JAKARTA - Director General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Freddy Harris responded to a discussion on the rules for the management of royalties on songs and music recently published by President Jokowi.

Freddy said, if there are managers of places or commercial activities who do not want to pay royalties on song playback, they do not have to play any song in the running of their activities or businesses.

"I think, if you don't want to pay royalties, you don't have to play a song. It's quiet. Maybe there could be a (screening) of the speech. But be careful, the speech is also copyrighted," Freddy said in a virtual discussion, Friday, April 9.

This rule is contained in Government Regulation (PP) No. 56 of 2021 concerning The Management of Royalties on Song and/or Music Copyright. This REGULATION is an affirmation rule in Law No. 28 of 2014 on Copyright.

Freddy explained, the parties that are obliged to pay royalties are individuals or legal entities playing songs that are commercial in nature, namely seminars and commercial conferences; restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, bistros, nightclubs and discotheques; music concerts; aircraft, buses, trains, and ships

Then, exhibitions and bazaars; cinema; phone wait tone; banks and offices; shops; recreation center; television broadcasting institutions; radio broadcasting institutions; hotels, hotel rooms, and hotel facilities; and karaoke business.

"Many musicians complained that the song was hijacked, monetized, and so on. That's why we accelerate through PP. Note, this governs commercial use. otherwise commercial, yes not subject to royalties," he explained.

Furthermore, poyalti withdrawn from these commercial users will be paid to the creators or copyright holders of songs and/or music through the National Collective Management Agency (LMKN).

"In essence, this PP emphasizes the management of song and music copyright royalties on the form of commercial use of public services in the form of analog and digital," he concluded.

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