JAKARTA - The iconic work of Sandhy Sondoro, Blue Night, was re-released after 14 years. The latest version comes in the form of Sandhy Sondoro's collaboration with young singer Opie Batfeny.
This collaboration is a dream come true for Opie who debuted last year under the auspices of Musica Studios.
"When I took out the single 'Sakit Yang You Give', he greeted me via DM on Instagram. After we talked, he came up with the idea to collaborate with me," said Opie Batfeny in her statement, Tuesday, August 6.
Of course, it was a great honor for Opie when she received an offer from a respected senior in the music industry. Without hesitation, he also accepted the offer.
According to Sandhy Sondoro, the song Blue Night is suitable to perform with the voice character Opie Batfeny.
"A few days later, he sent the material and immediately the work on this project took place," continued Opie.
Together with the production team, the process of taking vocals and finalization did not last long before it could finally be presented.
Opie Batfeny and Sandhy Sondoro's Single Blue Night can already be listened to on all digital music platforms.
In addition to producing this collaboration, Opie Batfeny has also launched a single music video for Blue Night.
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