JAKARTA - More on Mumbles listeners' wait for the debut album to finally end. The duo from Yogyakarta officially released their first album entitled (Still) Losing, in collaboration with Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.

Lintang, vocalist More on Mumbles, said the album was inspired by the same experiences and feelings. He and Clouds experience sudden separations from their loved ones. The separation turned out to have a deep enough mark, confusing the two of them in trying to understand the shape of the feelings they are experiencing.

"We finally tried to break up the 'asing' emotion by making a song. For two years, we wrote about 15 songs to release and reveal what we felt because of the separation. From there, 12 were selected to the album, "said Lintang in a written broadcast received by VOI.

They then realized that there were a lot of emotions that arise every time the two talk about the separation. For example, there are days when anger arises, there are also times when sadness is more dominant.

"We've also been annoyed, or just given up and thought of ourselves as stupid. Finally, the songs that have been written for two years have their own emotions, so they vary," said Lintang.

This variety of emotions can be felt when hearing tracks such as What A Strange Day' about the strange attitude that arises due to the influence of trauma separation, or Closure about being forced to accept that making peace with past wounds is not always owned by everyone, and also Now You Say You Wanna Talk about feeling annoyed when the person who left it suddenly contacted and asked to meet.

The production of song after song on the album (Still) Lose involves several familiar names on the music scene. There are a number of musicians involved as music producers.

"We are very lucky to be able to do these songs with great producers like Yabes Yuniawan, Dimas Wibisana, Enrico Octaviano, Ricco, and Lafa Pratomo. Their experience helped us make messages in the song so it was more up to," said Awan.

In the context of releasing the first album, More on Mumbles is preparing an album concert.

"Hopefully the preparations will be smooth so you have the opportunity to bring all the songs on the album," concluded the guitarist More on Mumbles.

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