JAKARTA - World artists and musicians are fed up with the oppression and genocide that is taking place in Gaza. Paramore is one of those who speaks out loud in defense of Palestine.

Through the band's Instagram Story upload, they stated their position firmly. Hayley Williams et al condemn this humanitarian tragedy and it must be resolved immediately.

Therefore they moved to help the victims with donations. Paramore also invited its fans to take part, either by donating or urging a ceasefire.

Moreover, Israel's increasingly inhumane attacks in Rafah have moved millions of people around the world to fight this oppression.

"Last December we and all the fans supported an organization called 'Save The Children' which has people in Gaza to provide humanitarian aid to children whose lives are threatened. They still need our support," wrote Paramore.

The conditions currently occurring in Gaza are increasingly heartbreaking. Many innocent children have become victims of endless conflict. Now they are hungry and risk their lives every day.

"Almost all children in Gaza are under threat of starvation. After 7 months of oppression and bombing, the mental health of children in Gaza continues to be suppressed to an unreasonable level," the article continued.

Apart from supporting the Save The Children movement, Paramore is also involved in another humanitarian action called Doctors Without Borders. This movement aims to provide health assistance to victims of disasters, epidemics and conflicts.

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