JAKARTA - Fanny Soegi finally talked about her decision to leave the band Soegi Bornean. Virality and success turned out to have contributed to their separation.

When he was a guest star on the podcast hosted by Soleh Solihun, Fanny told many things about the moments that occur in her life. No exception, when he chose to leave the band that made his name.

Fanny said that the viral song 'Asmakalibration' has indeed succeeded in catapulting Soegi Bornean's career. But on the other hand, the result of this success was not felt by the creator of the song, Dimec Tirta.

"Imagine that one song went viral, the creator couldn't pay for the money for his son's building (school fees). The song was played everywhere but the one who inserted couldn't enjoy his own work," said Fanny.

After this case occurred, Fanny and the songwriter learned more carefully about royalties, copyrights and related matters.

"It has been paid off starting in November this year. But his rights have not existed before," he continued.

After leaving the band, Fanny still felt happier, but admitted that something was stuck. One of them is feeling disappointed because people he has trusted have been doing things he didn't expect.

"Maybe I've never been faced with friendships that suddenly have to be related to big money, and finally shocked by each other. And finally split because of money," he explained.

But the main thing that triggers Fanny Soegi to pursue her own career is copyright registration. Apparently there are other parties registered in the band's name as a brand, and the reason is that it is difficult for her to accept.

"What should be three people as ownership, suddenly there are five people. 'Do you want to know why these five people are on the list? So if you come out on your own, want solo or writer, you have to pay royalties to these five people'," explained Fanny.

Today Fanny Soegi is starting a solo career, but still in the format of the music group as before. He released his first single titled 'Dharma' with his new management, VtmnD managed by Vindes Corp.

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