Jakarta - Changing the stage name from Cita Citata to Cita Rahayu marks a change in the singer's life. He also presented an album entitled 'Titik Tiga' which is Cita's way of appreciating works of art.

This album also marks the process of maturity and Cita's way of thinking in living life, especially after marrying Didi Soekarno, his life was different before deciding to be married.

"The aspirations of the songs in this album are from the sounds of nature and the implied messages and imaginations of the painting that I made myself. Everything is created from the inspiration of life and the universe," said Cita Rahayu in a written broadcast received by VOI recently.

Naming this album itself represents a search for answers in life. Cita inserts a philosophical side that is the basis for her work.

"Every human will seek answers from his own life and spirituality. Regarding the colors worn in his emblem, namely red, green and purple, symbolizing God in a body that is usually controlled to balance the rhythm of the body and physical and spiritual health," said Cita.

This vision will be a guideline for Cita Rahayu in producing her next works as a singer.

"It is not fixated on what religion, belief and love for the light and guidance of God or God Almighty. This will be the basis for my next works," said Cita.

The genre of music carried by Cita Rahayu is different from before. Cita carries the Ambient Folktronika genre. This genre is classified as experimental even with a dark theme. This album combines the tone of the pentatnis nusantara with the digital era's diatonis.

Drawing the search, the genre that is carried has a somewhat foreign feel, but is actually connected. In the caption, this work carries the Ambient Folktronika genre.

The process of making this Essential Trilogy album took nearly 1.5 years because of the difficulty in production and through deep emotional stages. But it all feels very fun considering that it is because of this process that Cita and her team can take many new lessons and experiences in their cultivation.

"Moreover, from this music producer, composer and sound design of my own husband, Mas Didi Mahardhika Soekarno. I make my husband also a discussion partner as well as a debate for this concept," explained Cita.

According to Cita, her husband is her inspiration in music because she has broad musical idealism and insight.

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