JAKARTA - The beauty of the notes produced by a guitar is more or less influenced by the type of wood. However, this time we will not discuss imported woods such as Ash, Alder, Basswood, Rosewood or the like. There are many explanations for this type of wood on various websites.

VOI will provide information about local woods of no less good quality. Like imported woods, this local wood raw material can complement each other for the body and neck / fretboard.

What types of wood are they referring to? Here we provide a global picture. Hopefully this is useful for those of you who want to make a custom guitar. Please choose according to taste and budget.

1. Java Almond (Walnuts)

Java Almond can only be found in Bogor and Lombok. This wood is already protected and cannot be cut down. The sound character of Java Almond, the mids and lows are stronger than the treble.

Guitar illustration (Pixabay)
2. Bali Sea Olive

Bali Sea Olive is on the coast of Bali and Pelabuhan Ratu. Just like Java Almond, Bali Sea Olive has also been protected, so you have to wait for the tree to collapse or be struck by lightning. This type of wood sound character is mid to high range.

Guitar illustration (Pixabay)
3. Diamonds

Diamond wood is suitable for the neck and fretboard. This type of wood has a more 'stubborn' character than Ebony. In addition, Berlian wood has the same hardness level as Ebony and its specific gravity is heavier than water. The sound character is also flat, between high and low.

Illustration of guitar neck and fretboard (Pixabay)
4. Lute

The woody character of the fruit trees is unpredictable. Lute is quite heavy but has the same character as Mahogany. Likewise, woods such as mango, durian, avocado and breadfruit. This type of wood is suitable for body parts.

Guitar illustration (Pixabay)
5. Glodok

Kayu Glodok has a character that is quite common in people's ears and has the characteristics of a more dominant mid high sound.

Illustration (Pixabay)
6. The Maluku Kemper

This type of wood has a fairly good density. Especially when combined with Sungkai wood for the body, the mid character is stronger.

Guitar fretboard illustration (Pixabay)

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