JAKARTA - The journey of humans as creatures cannot be separated from learning and is aware of gratitude. This was experienced by Terryana Fatiah Shahab, or who is more familiarly called Terry, while writing his latest single, 'Hawa Heaven'.

"My song, which will soon be released entitled Hawa Surga', is inspired and I dedicate it to my son, Ustadzah Halimah Alaydrus, and other teachers in my life," said Terry in a written broadcast received by VOI.

Before this song was born, Terry had experienced deep pain until he met a teacher who helped change his perspective on the meaning of love.

"When Abah died some time ago, I felt lost in direction. Thankfully, I was introduced to Ustadzah Halimah who felt that my heart was seeing that my love had been wrong all this time. The mistake was not in what was around me, but it was me who misunderstood the meaning of gratitude. So, Hawa Heaven is an expression of my gratitude for the gift God gave, in the form of a teacher who always patiently guides me, as well as a better way of looking at the meaning of real love, "he explained.

This single itself was not in the mind of this woman who was born on June 14, 1984, to be used as the newest song, in fact, she initially wanted to choose a single cover to be released to the market.

"But, when I was chatting, I asked for time to write a song and the 'Hawa Heaven' was born. When I played to the Sony Music team, it turned out that they welcomed it positively and chose this song to be my single. Of course, there was a slight adjustment before the recording, namely changes to the songs and lyrics that became easier for listeners to sing, but not much. There are also lyrics that I try to interpret from my parents' messages in the chorus. Hopefully the message will be conveyed, "explained Terry.

The recording process for Hawa Surga takes three hours for the main vocals and backing vocals. However, for Terry, the challenge is not on how to inspire songs or singing techniques.

"So, when I recorded it in the studio, I was coughing a little bit. Well, when I was in the mood to start taking vocals, suddenly the throat felt itchy. It felt really ow, "he laughed.

Successfully realizing his dream of working, Terry did not forget to say thank you that Hawa Heaven was finally able to be released. 'Alhamdulillah, my heart finally became a reality, namely having a song for my husband. Thank you to all those who have helped, especially the Sony Music team who have become a part of realizing my hijrah business.'

From this experience and work, Terry learns about life and love again. He hopes to be a better person by pouring his story through music.

Sometimes humans are often wrong in their way of looking at love. True love is glowing, doesn't make them blind or blind. Love that actually will make us directed and shape us into a better person," concluded Terry.

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