JAKARTA - The surf rock band from Jatinangor, The Panturas, is presenting their first work in 2021 titled Tafsir Mistik. This song will be part of the second album which is currently being produced.

It's not The Panturas if there is no exploration. If previously the song Balada Semburan Naga was thick with Betawi chatter and colossal Mandarin, there was something new but familiar to the listener's ears.

Tafsir Mistik is a Malay-tone track with the help of active Gypsies to produce a pleasant journey.

The inspiration for Mystical Interpretation came from a French gypsy guitar player named Django Reinhart. Vocalist Abyan wanted to include a guitar solo and ensure The Panturas could not only stick to the surf rock genre.

"With the Malay intro, then in the middle, Gypsy/Balkan musical characters are inserted. We don't want to be monotonous by creating puritanical surf rock songs”, said Bagus 'Gogon' Patria, launching a press release that VOI received today, March 5.

The lyrics themselves contain the public siding with two things that are often called wrong and right. Compared to judging one another, people should appreciate every idealism.

Producer Lafa Pratomo co-composed Tafsir Mistik according to The Panturas idea. "The fruit that is produced is ripe, I just need to extract the juice as a producer".

Not only audio, but The Panturas have also prepared a music video for Tafsir Mistik to welcome the new album which is reportedly going to be released in the middle of this year.

Listen to the Tafsir Mistik below.

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