The issue of distributing royalties to Virgoun's song with Inara Rusli ended with a peace agreement taken during mediation at the Central Jakarta District Court.

"We are very happy because today, Friday, March 22, 2024, finally the plaintiff and defendant have succeeded in peace," said Leonardo Ompusunggu, Virgoun's attorney after the mediation trial.

"There has been a good agreement. Alhamdulillah, the parties have met the meeting point and we just have to continue the next process," said Arjana Bagaskara, Inara Rusli's attorney on the other hand.

However, both parties did not explain what was the point of the agreement between Virgoun and Inara Rusli.

"There is a message from the mediator judge that he really appreciates this peace. So, both parties won, meaning win win solution. So no one lost, everyone won, both the plaintiff and the defendant," said Leonardo.

"For the points, once again we can't convey it to the public because there is something related to industrial secrets either. We can't convey that. In essence, the plaintiff and defendant both want to reduce this issue and assume that this problem has been resolved," he continued.

For information, the reading of the peace deed or van fine will be carried out on Wednesday, March 27.

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