JAKARTA - Fanny Soegianto, or Fanny Soegi officially released her first single as a solo singer. Tembang syahdu entitled 'Dharma' can be played starting Thursday, March 21.

Fanny also presented a music video for her one work. Accompanied by the musicians involved, the visuals presented were not disappointing at all.

With his polite vocals in his ears, Fanny brought a positive aura through the lyrics sung. Not to mention the visual issue, this Kalimantan-blooded woman is getting more and more skilled at holding a smile in front of the camera.

Warm responses colored the launch of the first MV of Fanny Soegi. Netters praised the aesthetically packaged beauty of 'Dharma'.

"Congratulations on the birth of her first child, beautiful brother. Always healthy and successful. Prayer is good for all of us," said one netter in Fanny Soegi's YouTube comment column. "The more beautiful and the better. Continue to be successful Fanny Soegiarto," said another.

The lyrics of a writer with a touch of traditional tone are still characteristic in the song Fanny Soegi. After separating from Soegi Bornean, he joined Vindes' management to develop his solo career in the future.

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