JAKARTA - Formed since early 2016, The Panturas personnel enthusiastically welcomed their ninth year together as a band that carries surf rock music.

The band consisting of Abyan (vocals, guitar), Ijal (guitar), Gogon (bass), and Kuya (drums) said that the Indonesian tour was one of their agendas in 2024.

"We will have a tour. At the beginning of the year there will be a tour," said Gogon when met in Kemang, South Jakarta last week.

Not only touring, The Panturas also ensures to release a new album. They are even ready to carry a different musical concept by including more elements because of Sundanese.

"From The Panturas itself, what is certain is the album and the release of EP parents. Or what is the concept of Sundanese," said Gogon.

The bass player of The Panturas said that he and three other personnel wanted to participate in in introducing Sundanese culture in their music. As a band from Tanah Sundanese, they want to work by involving elements of local art.

"The Panturas already has a plan to bring Sundanese culture. In our work that has not been released, we want to introduce Sundanese culture and Sundanese traditional music to people," said Gogon.

Actually, we already have one release that we don't release digitally. So, then there will be a release from The Panturas," he continued.

Furthermore. The Panturas also hopes to appear on a stage with traditional Sundanese musicians.

"If we bring Sundanese material to the concert, we want to bring all the traditional music players. If possible, it will be really cool," said Gogon.

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