JAKARTA - One of the important figures in the Indonesian metal arena, Irfan Sembiring has passed away. The founder of thrash metal band Rotor, he died Tuesday, February 16.

Rotor is the first wave metal band generation in Jakarta. Together with Judapran (bass) and Bakar Bufthaim (drums), Irfan released his debut album Behind The 8th Ball in 1993 via AIRO Records. In the same year, after being equipped with vocalist Jodie Gondokusumo, Ayu Azhari's first husband, Rotor was asked to open the Metallica concert in Lebak Bulus.

Being the opening act for the world's metal legend, Rotor has enough capital to try his luck in the United States. Through the recommendation of AIRO owner Setiawan Jodie, Rotor flew to Uncle Sam's country.

Once there, the album Behind The 8th Ball was distributed to dozens of labels in hopes of securing a record deal and being distributed globally. In short, there were two labels that were attracted and this album was circulating. But, only in Los Angeles.

The album Behind The 8th Ball often gets bad reviews from a number of American media. One of them, Metal Maniacs which gave one star. Rotor's music is also often compared to band A or band B, which are more famous and worldwide. This means that for the standard there, this kind of assessment puts the Rotor position as a band that will not be popular.

It is common knowledge that Indonesian bands are oriented to foreign countries, including the Rotor. It is not surprising that the music composition on their debut album is still heavily influenced by Metallica, Megadeth, King Diamond, Kreator, Sepultura, and Violence.

Rotor of Behind The 8th Ball album formation (Doc. Rotor / Facebook Irfan Sembiring Rotor)

Realizing this, Irfan decided not to listen to any music. His brain was made sterile. He only focuses on composing and composing songs. That is all. The album Eleven Keys (1995) was born, whose metal levels experienced an extreme shift. Yes, the music is very experimental.

Constantly not listening to people's songs, Irfan returned to juggling his next album, New Blood (1996). This time it was even further away from the old school thrash metal level of the first album. Likewise the album Menang (1997). Totally distorted. However, Irfan is still a visionary.

This thrash metal legend then went out of business and just rose from suspended animation in the 2010s. Irfan restores the debris of the Rotor with Bakar Bufthaim. This time, it was completed by Ucok Tampubolon (guitar), Ungki Blvz (vocals) and Ramadhanny Hussein (bass).

However, the rise of the band, which has produced four albums, has generated various responses. Some are enthusiastic because they have long hoped for their return. There are also those who are surprised.

Not without reason. During the vacuum of Rotor, Irfan has made his choice to become a preacher. Almost all of his time is spent in the mosque, although not during prayer times.

The man who was born in Surabaya, March 2, 1970, also often travels from mosque to mosque with congregants who are headquartered in one of the Kebon Jeruk areas, West Jakarta. In fact, every year for four months he travels the world to spread Islam. This means that if Rotor comes back into existence, as long as Irfan preaches they are practically on hiatus again.

Irfan's return to the world of music began when he intended to work on a solo project called IRS (Irfan Rotor Sembiring) with the help of several colleagues. However, the producers involved in this project suggested that Irfan use the name Rotor. Become the new Rotor.

A number of songs were made by Irfan. That said, the lyrics were adapted from the holy Koran. Among others, Infidels - Divine Support - The Flame was put on a compilation album across the genre of Burepublic Records, Born To Fight ... 2012 release Let's Start The War - and a song called Eleven Keys.

The album itself was almost finished by then. Musically, the concept offered by this new formation is again 'tilted'. Moreover, it is supported by the background of the personnel who have different musical tastes.

First learn guitar

Irfan learned guitar for the first time when he was in 6th grade with his brother named Bang Benar. He is surnamed Ginting. At that time, Irfan was still living in Tanjung Pinang, Riau Islands.

When they were about to move to Jakarta, there was a rumor that in order to enter a public junior high school in the capital city, one must be able to play a musical instrument. But it is not. However, Irfan already bought a Yamaha G225 acoustic guitar by his father.

Bang Benar itself is not a guitarist who likes to band. He is a young boy who likes to hang out while playing guitar in the stalls around Irfan's parents' house. The songs taught to Irfan were not rock numbers, but Uci Bing Slamet, Ebiet G. Ade, and Ira Maya Sofa.

Arriving in Jakarta, then hanging out, Irfan fell in love with the Rolling Stones. Back then, in 1982, getting to know the Stones was a must. I'm Irfan. If you live in Jakarta, you don't like Stones, it's hard to make friends. The association is getting wider, Irfan also likes metal music. After being hooked by the Suckerhead band, Irfan formed Rotor. The band became a legend later on.

Outside the Rotor, Irfan has produced all the album Guitar Clinic, Metalik Klinik and Indienesia under the banner of RotorCorp. For the first edition of the Guitar Clinic, the production process was accompanied by Krisna Sadrach from Suckerhead.

Irfan's motivation to produce the Klink Guitar album is only one. At that time in Indonesia there was no album with specific guitar contents. And he felt compelled to be a pioneer.

Irfan then contacted his friends, including Eet Sjahranie (Edane), Ezra Simanjuntak (Zi Factor), Pay (BIP, ex Slank), Andry Franzzy (ex Powerslave and Boomerang - now known as Andry Muhammad), and Kiki Noval ( Eagle). In essence, the best guitarists who represent the genre.

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Leave Music and Learn about Islam

After releasing 4 albums with Rotor, Irfan retired from the world of music and deepened his Islamic religion. The reason for Irfan at that time, wanted to be a successful person.

Irfan argued, if you want to be successful, you must learn from successful people too. If you want to be successful in music, you must study with successful musicians. If you want to be a successful tennis player, then learn from successful tennis players too.

Irfan feels he has succeeded in music, for Indonesian musicians. However, he was not happy. While living in America, Irfan met successful musicians, but he also felt they were not happy. Then, what's wrong?

Irfan concluded, "if my success in this music I increase and I succeed like them - say Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson or anyone else - then I only increase the problem. It increases my unhappiness."

Irfan then asked himself: "Who is the most successful person in the world, who is successful everything ... There must be one?" Then Irfan went to Gramedia bookstore. There, he saw a book entitled The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by a Christian named Michael H. Hart.

The table of contents page was opened. He was shocked, seeing the name of the Prophet Muhammad in the first place, the second Isaac Newton, and the third Jesus Christ. Then he opened the book one by one. And disappointed when there were only 20 stories about the Prophet. Not satisfied, Irfan did not buy the book and looked for another book.

"It's impossible to learn about someone's success with only 20 sheets ... impossible! Just want to learn to cook, you have to take pages," said Irfan quoted from the edition of GitarPlus magazine in February 2013.

After finding what he was looking for, Irfan further studied Islam. It happened around 1997, before marriage.

Bringing the Rotor back to life in the 2010s, Irfan rejects the notion that he is back to being active in music. According to him, it was just for fun and let go of missing his friends. Yes, the Rotor never got up completely because after that it was vacuum again. And Irfan, will continue to be a preacher.

The discourse to revive the Rotor continues to float. In 2021, Irfan sparked the idea of re-recording the debut album Behind The 8th Ball which he admits is incomplete and not quite what he wanted.

Understandably, the release of the album was rushed because it became a mandatory requirement for Rotor before opening the Metallica concert. As a result, Irfan is not satisfied with the results.

The plan approached reality when Irfan uploaded a photo with Makki Parikesit, the purple bassist who was also his best friend. According to Irfan, Makki will accompany himself and Bakar Bufthaim in the new Rotor formation.

It doesn't stop there. Irfan also wrote two names with the initials T on the guitar position and H on the vocal position for this formation. Allegedly, it is Tepi aka Stevi Item (DeadSquad) and Husein Alatas (Children Of Gazza).

However, destiny has different intentions. Irfan is called by God forever.

Review of Behind The 8th Ball Album

In the early 90's, I had an addiction to Sepultura. At that time, I thought there was no longer the most violent but qualified thrash metal band in the universe besides Max Cavalera et al.

However, after hearing the album Behind The 8th Ball from Rotor, in 1993, I realized that in Indonesia there are also high-quality, fierce bands. No wonder Irfan Sembiring et al were then asked to open the Metallica concert at Lebak Bulus in 1993, or a few months after the album was released.

The album is opened by the title track Behind The 8th Ball, which presents compositions wrapped in unique chord progressions. Pluit Phobia then appears with ethnic nuances in its sentimental lyrics.

There is also Gatholoco, another entity from Pluit Phobia. Similar music, but different lyrics. This track is a testament to Irfan's vocal quality which is both violent and natural. Even so with Jodie, the former vocalist of Getah and a well-respected figure in the underground music community in Jakarta. He also provided vocals on the songs The Last Moment and Spontanuous Live.

Other numbers such as Beyond The Eyes of Pain, Curse of Leak, Nuclear is Solution, Hate Monger, and A Dismall Picture of Mankind were played with super fast tempo and rich chord variants. Here, the beat of Bakar's drum is very striking but still displays the accuracy of the tempo and rhythm that is well maintained.

Behind The 8th Ball not only opened a new chapter of Irfan, Jodie and Judapran's journey to Los Angeles, United States, but was also able to beat conventional patterns that made my addiction to thrash metal music even more acute.

The album was re-released on vinyl (LPs) in early January 2021 via the independent record label Elevation Records. The number is very limited, only 313 pieces.

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