JAKARTA - Two different generations of bands, Nail and.Feast, are collaborating again through a new work. They released a single entitled No Wifi in Alam Baka.

Previously, Koil and.Feast collaborated on the Fantasy World-Determination Dance music project. The two exchanged songs. Koil performs the song 'Tarian Pengusahan Raya', and.Feast brings back the song Reality in Fantasy World.

Meanwhile, No Wifi in Alam Baka was written by Donnyantoro and Otong. They put forward the characteristics of Koil with guitar riffs with classic rock nuances.

This song begins with a dialogue from an old film entitled Pemberang (1972). The conversation of two humorous men, but full of deep criticism.

The lyrics presented through the song Tak Ada Wifi in Alam Baka sound very harsh about criticism.

Koil explained, No Wifi in Nature will be made a reminder for human greed.

"This collaboration actually has a straight line theme that is approximately one common thread, which is about the behavior of a greedy human pattern," said Nail personnel in their statement, Wednesday, November 22.

There is no Wifi in Alam Baka that also offends the spreaders of sweet promises for the pleasure of heaven in the hereafter, which are often linked and determined by the level of individual piety during life as a benchmark.

For information, No Wifi in Alam Baka from Nail and.Feast can already be heard on various digital music platforms.

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