JAKARTA - In order to celebrate 35 years of work, KLa Project will hold a single concert titled Harmoni Cahaya.

Katon Bagaskara,appropriate, and Adi Adrian will appear to entertain fans at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Central Jakarta tomorrow, Tuesday, October 31.

Adi Adrian said the title Harmoni Cahaya was chosen because they would appear with a lighting system made specifically to support music concerts.

"Title the Harmoni Cahaya concert is about lighting. So, just enjoy the lighting that we presented, of course, besides music," Adi Adrian told the media crew at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta last week.

Meanwhile, Senayan's Tennis Indoor was chosen as a place to celebrate 35 years of work, in order to provide more opportunities for fans who want to watch.

"What is certain is that the place used to be in the JCC, now in the Senayan Tennis Indoor, there is more capacity," saidTEN.

"The children are already tired of the question of where to show 35 years. They said not at the JCC, but we are also not in the football field class, so it will be at the Tennis Indoor," he continued.

Similar to the 25th anniversary of his work, when he invited Glenn Fredly, Badai ex Kerispatih, and Tohpati as guest performers, this time's KLa Project concert also presented several guests.

However, they don't want to announce who will appear as guests. Who will be the guest, will appear as a surprise from the KLa Project for the audience.

"If we talk here, it's not a surprise anymore. Let it be a surprise later," said Adi.

"We also don't want to lure people to come because of the name of the guest star," concluded Katon Bagaskara.

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