JAKARTA - More On Mumbles, the duo music group from Yogyakarta released the latest single entitled Such Is Life. This song is the second single in 2023, after previously releasing Good For You last May.

The song Such Is Life is also the second song for the duo Awan and Lintang after being under the auspices of Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the latest single More On Mumbles was created by Clouds and Lintang when both were faced with the harsh reality that what was planned could not always be done.

"I and Lintang like to complain that life is very often, so give events that force us to close our chests. We've tried as hard as we can to get the best results, in the end we can only 'yes,'" said Awan about the song Such Is Life, Tuesday, October 3.

Furthermore, Lintang said that the idea of Such Is Life emerged when he and Awan had to accept that his close relationship with a friend had to just relax. This song is his way of complaining. Lintang admitted that she did not really like being forced to surrender to the situation.

"This song I wrote the lyrics when I and Awan were trying to solve a problem with a friend who had left us. But, when I met him, the problem was still not finished, it wasn't even discussed," said Lintang.

"It turns out, yes, we just have to accept that, if our friendship has changed," he added.

Through this story, Clouds and Lintang also reflect on various other events in life that make them only able to stroke their chest.

"Then we were like, oh my, there were also a lot of bitter events in life that we had to accept, even though we didn't want to accept it," concluded Awan.

The song Such Is Life can be heard on various digital music platforms. Video clips can also be watched on the YouTube channel More on Mumbles.


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