Roy Khan said there were several things that contributed to his decision to leave Kamelot more than a decade ago.

The 53-year-old Norwegian singer announced his exit from Tampa's power metal unit, Florida in April 2011 after taking several months off to recover from "exhaustion".

After his departure from Kamelot, Khan, who is a devout Christian, joined a church in the coastal town of Moss, Norway.

In an interview with Justin Young from Monsters, Madness And Magic recently, Roy whose full name is Roy Sryptre Khantattat revealed the reason he left Kamelot.

"Everything. Too much travel. Too much work. I have my first child. I got married and I almost fell into every hole there is. And all of my character has created it very different from the one I used to be and wanted to be at home," Khan explained.

"And those two characters got further and further away and it just separated me. I wasn't really present when I was at home either. I came back from a six-week tour and just took off my shoes and immediately sat in front of the PC and did something, and it wasn't good. And I was mentally ill."

"The summer of 2010, I had a period of five, six weeks where I really didn't sleep. Maybe, I mean a little bit, of course, but there were so many nights so I didn't sleep at all. I just roam around the house and worry about everything and nothing."

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