JAKARTA - While appearing in the latest episode of the podcast "Appette For Distortion", former Guns N 'Roses bassist Tommy Stinson, once again said he believed his failed marriage might indirectly lead to a reunion of part of the legendary rock band's classic line-up.

Stinson was a member of Guns N 'Roses from 1998 to 2014, but he had to stop when he became a "full-time father" while pushing Duff McKagan's return to the South American tour.

"I'm in a certain situation where I have to be at home," Stinson told "Appette For Distortion".

"And the tour being discussed, I had to make such a decision. And it was one of the hardest decisions I had to make, that I had no choice; I really had to do it. It put me on a bad light with Axl, of course, because he was annoyed with it and didn't appreciate my decision at all," he continued.

"But I think if [Axl] looked back now and saw what he was doing and what he's been doing since I quit, he might be happy it happened.

"You know what I mean? I mean, for him a tour with AC/DC [as a temporary substitute for Brian Johnson] is a huge thing in rock and roll history, but I can't imagine he's now looking back and doing that. 'I probably wouldn't have done it if Tommy didn't stop and we just went on that tour and it went on.'' "Unifying the whole band won't happen - at least not at that time; maybe it's possible now. But I think everything is swaying and rolling over for him pretty well. I can't imagine he's not grateful."

Stinson went on to say that he had "watched some" Guns N 'Roses concerts since he left the band.

"I went to several shows with my friend Steve," he explained. "We're going to watch them in Kansas in September, before the daughter (Richard) Fortus (guitarist of GN'R) goes to college, actually. I think I'll be performing in the show.

"It's funny to be on that side of the fence," continued Tommy. "One of the shows I visited I don't remember whether it was KC. or okay traveling with my friend Steve, people recognizing me, saying, 'Hey, what are you doing here?'

"It was really funny because my friend Steve was a big Guns N 'Roses fan and we laughed at it. Because we were walking around and people said, 'Wow, there's Tommy Stinson. What are you doing here, man?' 'I'm here to watch a show, like you.' Yes, we had fun doing that. It's funny."

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