JAKARTA - The grunge trio from Depok, Arc Yellow, is working on several new songs that will be released in the near future.

The band, which is inhabited by Gilang Topan Firdaus (vocals and guitar), Regie Pramana (bass), Rizky Octadinata (drums) reported this through his Instagram some time ago.

"Record some songs for those of you who have waited too long. Wait for the play date," they said.

Previously, they had produced various works such as the single Blunder (2020) and an album titled Oh Well.. Nothing (2018).

The album, which contains ten songs, was mentioned by Jimi Multhazam in the list of the best Indonesian albums of all time.

He conveyed this on the Rawr Production YouTube channel some time ago.

"Lastly, the band is quite new, yes, it's called Arc Yellow," said Jimi.

"That's terrible, the music is patented. Ruam's track, especially since it's the coolest single on the album," he concluded.

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