JAKARTA - U2 guitarist, The Edge discussed the super force' of Bono frontman politics and how he actually became a high-profile political activist.

In an interview with MOJO, The Edge called U2 music and extra-curricule political campaigns have become "so mixed up" with their band from time to time that it is now "very difficult to imagine one without the other".

"Obviously there are challenging times, especially when Bono is making big steps in America and realizes his super powers are capable of working on both sides and persuading politicians from various parts of the spectrum to work together," The Edge said.

But that means he had a meeting with the likes of [US far-right Sentator Jesse Helms, who is famous for dismantling the National Endowment for the Arts because of the photos of Robert Mapplethorpe and making some dire initial comments about the AIDS pandemic.

He continued: So, it's difficult. But we understand the logic. And if you judge activism based on results, instead of some kind of experiment that signifies virtue, then Bono is right.

As a result of Bono's intervention with Helms, Congress voted for AIDS support packages that changed many lives.

"If you can convince a politician that they will not sacrifice existing support, but they have the potential to add, it's hard to turn down," The Edge said.

Dan Bono is getting very good, in my opinion, in advocating on that basis. 'Look, this means political rope points for you.' But it often means he's in a photo!"

The Edge continues to discuss criticism of Bono by stating that many do not realize the courage needed to do what he does.

They just thought he was collaborating in principle. He didn't at all, he said. What he compromises is his PR profile and his stance with a fundamentalist type that will never be open to receiving help from people they don't agree with. In the end, I think the facts support his approach.

Bono has always made political activism a priority. The singer is actively campaigning to fight extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa. He co-founded DATA, EDUN, the ONE Campaign, and Product Red.

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