JAKARTA - The 2023 Ngabuburit Sharing Dream Festival organized by Inspire Production in collaboration with the CT Arsa Foundation and Giving Is Caring at Trans Studio, Cibubur, on Saturday night was successfully held.

This event is able to present an experience of attending a festival that is slightly different from the existence of a sharing program for 1000 orphans who are also present.

At the same time, the event, which started at 12,000 WIB, presented various events, including Dance, Swat Raid Stunt Show, Jurrasic Live Show, Parade World of Imagination, as well as performances from Rossa, Mahalini, and Barsena.

Starting from Barsena, which performed nicely, isolated hundreds of spectators who were present through their songs. His melodious voice was immediately able to make the audience silent.

Next, there was Rossa who acted to perform a number of hits such as Forget Love and Hey Ladies which were changed to a more contemporary version.

In the half of the appearance of one of the Indonesian Idol judges, there was a surprise, where Mahalini suddenly came to a duet with him.

The audience immediately cheered uncontrollably because they did not expect to see his presence on stage.

After that, Rossa immediately conveyed several words about his duet with Mahalini.

"Wow, this is the first time we have sung our intentions," said Rossa.

Then, without further ado Mahalini then continued this event with the song he had been waiting for, Unfortunately.

This was proven through the roar of the audience who could not withstand the singing of the most hit song belonging to the Balinese female singer.

Thus, this event closed both accompanied by stage sets and catchy lighting. Although the sound system has experienced very little problems, fortunately the 2023 Ngabuburit Festival Dream ends with a lively welcome.

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