JAKARTA The hardcore punk band from Bandung, the Gladiator, ejected a new single titled Eat The Rich on February 12 yesterday.

The band, which was born in 2006, uploaded the cover of the single along with information through their Instagram account.

When the poor have nothing to eat, they will eat the rich! the new single Eat The Rich is circulating everywhere through DSP. streaming now," they said.

This is the first time that Gladiator has put his songs on various digital music platforms. After several years, they only released songs via CD and Youtube.

Even the most surprising thing was, they had created a Gladiator discographic download link from 2007 to 2013 in their Instagram bio.

However, it looks like Gladiator's new chapter in the music digital streaming industry has started.

So, is this release part of the warm-up to the next single-single? Hopefully.

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