JAKARTA - Baim and happened to be Sibarani, two former ADA Band vocalists, released a collaboration single titled Can No More Loss on January 17 yesterday.

Even though it was released in 2023, it turns out that this duet project has been planned since before the pandemic. Starting from various offers for the ADA Band reunion, in the end, the two communicated to discuss the collaboration project.

"I had a shadow during the pandemic yesterday to make a duet with a fun duet, yes, incident, Alhamdulillah," said guitarist for The Dance Company, Baim, in a press conference held by the Nagaswara record label in the Central Jakarta area, Wednesday.

He admitted that he was enthusiastic when Baim invited him to make this single.

"This is my first project duet with a male singer. And it was really exciting when Mas Baim called about this project, then I heard the material and I felt it was suitable, good and it didn't take long for me to confirm it immediately," said the singer in the song Humancing.

"I received this song from Mas Baim. Coincidentally, the distribution was complete. 'This seems like Don, you're here like this'. And before taking, we have a workshop too. Incidentally, the house was close. When it was empty, I came looking for a safe key for me to record," he continued.

Over the past 20 years, Baim said, there have been assumptions about the less harmonious relationship between him and the ADA Band personnel, including him. Through this collaboration single, everything is answered completely.

"The dream duet or not, yes, this is actually everything I have ever thought about. So, people say that Mas Ams and I are not in good relations and others, even with the previous band children are also not good. It doesn't seem at all," said Baim, who has Ibrahim Imran's full name.

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