JAKARTA - Slank is one of the musicians selected to bring the latest TikTok campaign, namely #SerunyaIndonesia. This is a surprise considering that this band is known as a musician in the '80s' era.
This is the style of millennial children. It's unique but exciting. This is an entertainment platform, so even though the times were different and the media was different, the fun still got it," said Ridho.
Of course, Slank wants to attract listeners from various circles. They consider this collaboration with social network to be one way.
"Slank is also being echoed from various circles from adults to teenagers too, we are the old and new generation bridges to be able to mingle," said Ridho Slank.
"The current year is really a collaboration. So through Tiktok, all generations can unite with each other. On Tiktok, it's not just dancing, all entertainment is here," he explained.
For this campaign, Slank made a song called #SerunyaIndonesia. This song is a remix of the song mars Slankers, which is the mars of Slank fans.
"We are remixing the song mars Slankers, because this is a matter of togetherness nationalism, and hard work. Then we adjust the lyrics to the theme of August 17. So God willing, this will be something encouraging," said Bimbim.
Slank even plans to distribute albums or promote via TikTok.
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