JAKARTA - PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg (YIMM) has been present in Indonesia for a long time, even this year turning 50 years. In order to celebrate the anniversary on July 6, there are various interesting programs offered.
The program, entitled Billionaire Yamaha 2024, is a form of Yamaha's gratitude to consumers by giving them the opportunity to win a lottery prize worth 1 billion rupiah when buying a motorbike at an official dealer.
Asst General Manager Sales PT YIMM Hendri Kartono revealed, Yamaha is committed to continuing to increase mobility support for consumers, through product innovation and also improving full-sale services in line with current technological developments and lifestyle trends. One of them is the use of digital technology through the My Yamaha Motor application.
"Not only that, as a form of gratitude to our loyal customers, Yamaha also held the Miliarder Yamaha program until the end of June. Where consumers can win lottery prizes in the form of 1 billion money when buying all-type motorbikes at official dealers while registering on the My Yamaha Motor application," he said, in his official statement, Wednesday, May 15.
For those who plan to take part in the program, consumers can simply buy Yamaha motorbikes at official dealers for all types of motorbikes, such as MAXi, Classy, Sport, even the 125th Generation to duck types.
After making the purchase, consumers will get a message notification in the My Yamaha Motor application (for consumers who do not have the application, please download it first) that it has been included in this lottery program. Furthermore, the draw process will be carried out in mid-July, and then one winner of the 2024* Yamaha Billionaire will soon be announced through the official Yamaha publication channel, such as website and Instagram.
Actually, this program was also held by Yamaha more precisely in 2010-2011, where consumers who buy Mio motorcycles have the opportunity to become billionaires.
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