JAKARTA - The high performance division of the Peugeot brand, Peugeot Sport Engineered (PSE) plans to introduce the latest hot hatch based on the next generation 208 model.

Stellantis UK Managing Director, Eurig Druce said it opens up the possibility to present small and fast hatchbacks in the future considering Peugeot has iconic cars such as 205 GTi and 206 GTi.

"There may be other products in the future. Peugeots always like fast and small hatchbacks, as we see in various generations of GTi," said Druce, quoted from Auto Express, Monday, January 13.

Although he did not explain in detail, Druce revealed that PSE technicians have the ability to develop hot hatch cars so that 208 sports versions have the possibility to be presented in the future.

"Personally, I want to see it. PSE engineers have the ability to design it," added Druce.

He also has not confirmed whether the 208 model will use the GTi badge as before or PSE as the latest high-performance model, but can ensure that this car will have different driving skills than the standard.

"So, whether we call it PSE or GTi, in fact Peugeot Sport has engineered the car and there is a significant difference in driving ability between this car and the standard car," explained Druce.

Unlike the previous one with gasoline, it is reported that 208 with the latest generation of high performance will carry electric propulsion and will be a challenger for the Mini JCW Electric.

The high performance version of Peugeot 208 will use a powertrain from Lancia Ypsilon HF which has a power of up to 237 hp or shares mechanical devices from Alfa Romeo Junior Veloce and Abart 600e Scorpionissima with a explosive power of 278 hp.

The performance is combined with Torsen's differential limited-slip on the front doubles, stiffer suspensions, anti-roll bars, and brakes greater than the standard version.

Peugeot 208 of the latest generation will arrive in 2026 or 2027 along with the birth of the latest Oper Corsa. This compact hatchback car will carry the STLA Small architecture or an evolutionary version of the CMP or eCMP currently available.

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