JAKARTA - On July 23, 1985, the first National Children's Day was commemorated. National Children's Day was ratified by Law (UU) Number 4 of 1979 concerning Child Welfare. With this stipulation, the adoptive parent system for underprivileged children is also approved.

National Children's Day is expected to inspire all components of the Indonesian nation to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights to live, grow, develop, and participate fairly, in accordance with human dignity. It is also hoped that children can be guaranteed and get protection from violence and discrimination.

However, long before being celebrated on July 23, National Children's Day had been pursued by the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani). Quoting Historia, in one of the sessions held in 1951, Kowani agreed to organize what was then called Indonesian Children's Day.

Although at that time the date had not been determined, Indonesian Children's Day was still celebrated. In 1952, on May 18, children marched in front of the Merdeka Palace. They were even welcomed by President Soekarno.

Change the anniversary date
Photo illustration (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Then the Kowani trial in 1953 agreed that Indonesian Children's Day would be celebrated in the second week of July. The time was right before the class increase of school children.

The decision was approved by the Ministry of Cultural Education. However, this determination is considered to have no historical value. In the Kowani session on July 24-28, 1964, there were various suggestions for an appropriate date for the commemoration of Children's Day.

In 1959, the Indonesian government finally set June 1-3 as the time to commemorate Indonesian Children's Day. This date coincides with International Children's Day which is celebrated every June 1.

Kowani again proposed to change the date of Indonesian Children's Day when he saw the festivities that President Soekarno often attended. At the 13th congress on July 24-28 1964, Kowani proposed National Children's Day on June 6, the exact birthday of President Soekarno.

Remove the 'smell' Soekarno'
Soekarno (Source: geheugen.delpher.nl)

Things that smelled of Soekarno were removed when the New Order came to power, including Children's Day which was commemorated on June 6. Therefore the anniversary date of the day had to be changed.

However, this change is not an easy matter. Children's Day was set for August 18.

This time coincided with the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day. And 18 August has historical value, namely the time when the 1945 Constitution came into effect.

However, this time is also considered less practical because people will be more busy celebrating Independence Day. In 1984, June 17 was celebrated as Children's Day.

However, the historical value of this date has been questioned by several parties, including the Minister of Education and Culture Daoed Joesoef. He then recommended July 3 as Children's Day.

This date is also Student Park Day. The Association of Kindergarten Organization Organizations (GOPTKI) then proposed that Kindergarten Day be changed to National Children's Day.

GOPTKI also proposed celebrating Children's Day on July 23. This date has historical value, which coincided with the enactment of Law Number 4 of 1979 concerning Child Welfare.

This change was approved. Then in 1985 until today, July 23 is celebrated as National Children's Day.

National Children's Day in the midst of a pandemic
Photo illustration (Source: Antara)

If National Children's Day is usually celebrated with festive parades. Currently such celebrations cannot be held because the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

This condition forced everyone not to make a crowd. This pandemic has also prevented many children from playing and learning freely outdoors.

Citing the official website of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, because of these problems, National Children's Day 2021 takes the theme Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia. This theme is expected to be a motivation for the pandemic not to eliminate the meaning of National Children's Day.

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