JAKARTA - Nowadays, selling used goods to make a profit is not a difficult matter. Advances in information technology are one of the factors that make things easier. However, there is a tradition that is irreplaceable. One of them is a garage sale. Ever shop at a garage sale? Do you know where this buying and selling scheme originated?

Indeed, at this time, the title of garage sale was widespread. Online stores that sell cheap goods in large quantities, including garage sales. However, in truth, garage sales were born as activities that require physical interaction, where buyers and sellers can chat with each other, either in bargaining or exchanging other information.

Revealed by Hendry E. Ramdhan in the book Creative Business at Home (2012), garage sale is a business that can live all year round in big cities. For this reason, garage sales, which initially only made use of the home garage, were later used by certain parties by packing the garage into a routine event.

"The business of selling used goods that are still fit for use has been quite shining from 2012 to the next one year because of the (cheap) prices of these goods. Starting from clothes, shoes, pants, bags, wallets, or cameras. Uniquely, what makes the garage exist is none other than because people are looking for cheap goods amidst the increasing price of goods. "

Not surprisingly, most of the items sold are personal items that are rarely used. Therefore, those who want to get goods at low prices, often arrive earlier than the appointed hour. This is one of the most famous strategies with the motto: first come first.

Forerunner to garage sales

Quoted from Henk Schulte Nordholt in the book Outward Appearences (1997), it is explained that the forerunner of garage sales was rooted in the habits of the Dutch who conducted auctions since the 19th century. At that time, auctioning of furniture and home appliances became commonplace by Dutch officials whose tenure had ended in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia).

Automatically, the items are then auctioned off. Whoever submits the highest bid, they are the ones who are asked to own the goods. "Apart from motives for general appreciation or voluntary bribes of Dutch goods, some bidders also wanted to acquire a collection of powerful objects other than the familiar heritage they were familiar with."

In addition, the auction tradition has indeed become a tradition of the Dutch in the archipelago, such as the auction of slaves, opium packhers, titles and pawnshops. However, furniture auctions always caught the attention of people in the Indies at that time.

Because it was so easy to organize furniture auctions, Dutch officials didn't have to bother taking care of their household furniture. This is because there are brokers who take care of the items being auctioned. Not only that, those who managed to sell a lot of furniture then had additional funds to live their lives in a new place.

Photo illustration (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In addition, as a tactic to enliven the auction, Dutch officials usually used horse-drawn carriages to inform the whole city about the event. However, after the existence of newspapers, promotions also changed. It seems that Dutch officials at that time preferred to carry money rather than carry goods.

"It should also be noted that auction announcements (via newspapers) mark the departure of Dutch officials for retirement. The rest, this official gives the opportunity to everyone to express their sympathy to those who are going home, by buying household furniture at a good price, "said Denys Lombard in the book Nusa Jawa: Batas-Pembaratan (1996).

The peak of the auction tradition among the Dutch was also popular in the 20th century. At that time, the flow of changing officials and traders was getting more crowded. Zeffry Alkatiri in the book Jakarta Punya Cara (2012), explains that the auction will be more lively when the people auctioning the furniture come from wealthy officials. That's where the hubbub began to sound, where each person then scrambles to have items as a sign of friendship.


In 1970, there was a shift. Garage sales suddenly became associated with the need to find bargains. The term home furnishings auction, which had been popular, gradually changed to a garage. In line with that, the momentum of the garsel was never overlooked by people during the New Order era who mostly lived in deprivation. Garsel is also a place for them to look for cheap and affordable items in the midst of limitations.

"Seeing such loopholes, many expatriates who have expired their term of office, announced in newspaper advertisements that they would sell various goods. However, there are also those who are secretive, because they already know better how to contact the broker, ”Zeffry wrote.

Unkinnya, from the garsel phenomenon people can know the stereotypes of their native nation. For example, Americans have a habit of being extravagant and don't want to be bothered, making them impatient in selling goods at low prices. To the extent that, the remaining items deemed unfit, will be completely disposed of, without exception.

"However, some expatriates from certain European countries, characterize the stereotype of being curious and frugal. So that items that are actually not suitable for use are still on display for sale, ”concluded Zeffry.

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