YOGYAKARTA - The Roem-Royen Negotiation, an important milestone in the history of Indonesia's struggle for independence, has become a symbol of the success of diplomacy in the midst of armed conflict.

The Roem-Royen negotiations took place from April 14 to May 7, 1949 at the Des Indes Hotel, Jakarta, bringing together two main characters, Mohammad Roem from Indonesia and Herman van Roijen from the Netherlands.

Broadly speaking, the Roem-Royen negotiations aim to resolve the conflict between Indonesia and the Netherlands after the Dutch Military Aggression II and pave the way for recognition of Indonesia's sovereignty.

Reporting from UI An Nur Lampung, efforts to resolve conflicts between Indonesia and the Netherlands before the Roem-Royen Agreement were colored by a series of negotiations that had not been able to reach a satisfactory meeting point for both parties. Some of the negotiations include:

This agreement resulted in recognition of the Republic of Indonesia as an autonomous entity within the framework of the Indonesian-Dutch federation.

However, its implementation was hampered by Dutch actions that continued to carry out military operations, contrary to the spirit of the agreement.

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This agreement establishes a demarcation line that has an impact on narrowing Indonesia's sovereign territory.

In addition, violations by the Dutch through the Dutch Military Aggression II on December 19, 1948, which led to the arrest of Indonesian leaders and control of Yogyakarta, also further disrupting the situation.

Until then the Dutch Military Aggression II sparked widespread condemnation from the international community, especially the United Nations (UN).

The United Nations urged the termination of military confrontation and pushed for continued negotiations. In addition,

The United Nations also formed UNCI tasked with overseeing the ceasefire and negotiating processes.

Reporting from the website of the Proclamation Script Formulation Museum, the Netherlands realized that its Military Aggression actions did not produce positive results. On the other hand, this actually triggers an increase in resistance from the Indonesian people in various regions.

In addition, pressure from the international community on the Netherlands is getting stronger. As a result, the Netherlands was forced to follow the recommendations of the United Nations (UN) to re-negotiate with Indonesia.

The negotiations, known as Roem-Royen, were held at the Des Indes Hotel, Jakarta, with mediation fromur Cochran. The delegation from the Republic of Indonesia was led by Mr. Muhammad Roem, while the Dutch delegation was led by Dr. JH. Van Royen.

On May 7, 1949, these negotiations resulted in an agreement among them:

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has set conditions before being willing to continue negotiations. They demanded the withdrawal of Dutch troops from the Yogyakarta region.

Until finally, the Netherlands approved this requirement. On June 2, 1949, the process of emptying the Yogyakarta region began under the supervision of UNCI (United Nations Commissions for Indonesia).

The Roem-Royen Agreement has a significant impact on Indonesia's struggle for independence. One of them is the Recognition of the State of Eastern Indonesia (NIT).

One of the points in this agreement requires Indonesia to recognize NIT as an independent country. This creates an internal conflict, because NIT is considered a puppet country formed by the Dutch.

In addition, Indonesia is facing pressure from the Netherlands related to the formation of the Indonesian-Dutch federation. The Dutch are trying to maintain their influence in the fields of foreign, defense, finance, and justice. They also want to maintain economic, social, cultural and political interests in Indonesia.

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