JAKARTA - The history of Pancasila as the ideology and foundation of the Indonesian state has not been spared from a long journey. Pancasila as the basis of the state is the guideline for the life of the nation and state for the people of Indonesia.
Pancasila's Birthday on June 1, 1945 is one of the important histories that the Indonesian people must remember. Pancasila itself consists of two words taken from Sanskrit, namely "Panca" which means five. And "Precepts" which means principles or principles.
As it means, Pancasila has five values which are the basic principles for the Indonesian nation. These five values are also listed in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.
History and the beginning of the formulation of Pancasila
In fact, the background for the formation of Pancasila originated from a long discussion held by BPUPKI to formulate the basis of the state. The discussion, which was held on May 29 to June 1, 1945, was attended by Muhammad Yamin, Prof. Dr Soepomo, and Ir. Soekarno.
The three figures presented the basic idea of their country for the Indonesian nation. In that opportunity, Soekarno introduced the idea to the term Pancasila.
Hearing this idea, BPUPKI then compiled the Committee of Nine to form the basis of the state by referring to the speech introduced by Soekarno.
The Committee of Nine consists of:
1. Ir. Soekarno
2. Drs. Mohammad Hatta
3. Mr. AA Maramis
4. Mr. Muhammad Yamin
5. Ahmad Subardjo
6. Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso
7. Abdul Kahar Muzakkar 8. H. Agus Salim
9. KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim
The history of establishing Pancasila has also gone through a long progress. The formulation of Pancasila is contained in several documents, such as the Jakarta Charter and the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.
The Jakarta Charter in the history of Pancasila1. Divinity with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents
2. Just and civilized humanity
3. Indonesian Unity
4. Community led by wisdom in representative deliberations
5. Social justice for all Indonesian people.
This initial formulation raises the pros and cons, especially in the first precepts which only cover Muslims.
During a meeting of the UUD Drafting Committee on July 11, 1945, J Latuharhary expressed his objection, especially the obligation to carry out sharia for its adherents.

After going through various compromises at the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence on 18 August 1945, Hatta told the final formulation of the opening of the State Constitution, one of which was about changing the sentence on the basis of the state to become "a country based on the one and only Godhead".
"This is a change that is most important to unite all nations," said Hatta. This change is the final formulation of the basis of the state known as Pancasila.
It was only after 70 years that Pancasila Day was designated as a national anniversary and holiday through Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2016.
Therefore, why on June 1, 1945 was later used as the anniversary of the birth of the foundation of the Indonesian state. This was adjusted to the date of Bung Karno's own speech.
The role of BPUPKI for Indonesia
BPUPKI itself plays an important role in the history of Pancasila. George S. Kanahele, in The Japanese Ocupation of Indonesia (1967: 184) revealed, on March 1, 1945, Kumaikichi Harada, General Dai Nippon in charge of the Java region announced that a new body would be formed by the name of Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai.
Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai is what is known as BPUPKI. Even though it has been in existence since March 1, 1945, BPUPKI was only legalized on April 29, 1945.
On May 29, 1945, the first session of BPUPKI was held and opened by Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat as chairman. This first trial continued until June 1, 1945.
In this first session, there were three speakers who put forward their views regarding the formulation of the basis of the state, or what would later be known as Pancasila. The first speaker was Mohammad Yamin.
In the BPUPKI session on May 29, 1945, Yamin explained about the "Principles and Basics of the Independent Indonesian State". The second speaker was R. Soepomo.
He explained "The Basics of an Independent Indonesian State" at the BPUPKI session on May 31, 1945.
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