JAKARTA - Hamzah Haz's contribution as Vice President of Indonesia in the 2001-2004 era brought a breath of fresh air to Muslims. He was considered the perfect companion to Megawati Soekarnoputri. His leadership is not perfect. His attitude is considered 'soft' towards radical Islamic groups.
This narrative occurred when various terrors emerged in Indonesia. The world also sees Indonesia as a hotbed of terrorism. However, Hamzah stepped up. He rejected the claim. Hamzah even tried to seat the leader of a radical Islamic group at the same table.
Nobody knows the political dynamics. The power of Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was surprisingly overthrown. This condition made Megawati Soekarnoputri become President of Indonesia. The vacancy in the position of Vice President of Indonesia is starting to be considered. Big names from each faction were prepared.
Hamzah Haz, who is supported by the United Development Party (PPP), for example. He succeeded in defeating opponents such as Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Akbar Tanjung on October 20 2004. Hamzah is considered to represent Islam in government.

His presence was then predicted to be able to bridge the wishes of Muslims to the government. That assumption is not wrong. He, who grew up in the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) environment, actually accommodated all existing Islamic mass organizations.
He is not only inclined towards Muhammadiyah and NU. Hamzah instead tried to 'unify' other Islamic mass organizations, even radical ones. Hamzah's steps were criticized.
The approach taken by Hamzah has more political nuances, rather than religious goals. Initially, Hamzah Haz tried to accommodate the use of the Jakarta Charter again. Even if the effort fails.
Hamzah began to approach other boarding school officials. This strategy made the Megawati-Hamzah government seem to be supported by all elements of Islam, from moderate, fundamental, to radical. Hamzah's leadership style is considered risky.

Hamzah could threaten the phrase Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. In fact, diversity is Indonesia's main strength, as described by national figures in the past.
"Hamzah wants to attract support from groups that I would like to call the new Islamic movement to differentiate them from old Islamic movements such as NU and Muhammadiyah. Hamzah also wants PPP to truly cultivate an image as a party that defends the interests of Muslims."
"The way to do this is to support efforts to reinsert the seven words in the Jakarta Charter into amendments to Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution, and to embrace Islamic groups outside the mainstream that have emerged like sprouts recently. Hamzah's efforts, which in my opinion are a bit 'excessive', to go around for Friday prayers from one mosque to another in Jakarta, or visit a number of Islamic boarding schools in Java, are a form of political travel to gain support from the people. I call it Hamzah-'right diplomacy' style," said Ulil Abshar Abdalla in his article in Tempo magazine entitled "Bahaya Diplomasi Kanan Hamzah Haz" (2002).
Indonesia Is Not A Home For Terrorist
Hamzah's leadership began to be shaken when the Bali Bombing and Marriot bombings occurred. These two bombings made the western world - especially the United States (US) consider Indonesia a hotbed of terrorists. A condition that makes several countries give 'travel warnings' not to visit Indonesia.
A sharp spotlight was directed at Hamzah. He is considered the ringleader who fostered radical ideology in Indonesia. Hamzah's closeness to the leadership of radical mass organizations was the reason. Moreover, Hamzah is known to be close to Abu Bakar Ba'asyir.
Ba'asyir himself has recently been frequently linked to the terrorism network led by Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda. However, Hamzah tried to prove that most people's assumptions were wrong. He began to hold a dialogue.
He tried to go to the existing pesantren leaders. he wanted to ask for input regarding the terrorism agenda which was starting to spread in Indonesia. Hamzah Haz refused to be pressured by the US to immediately arrest radical Islamic figures. Even though Indonesia was threatened by the US, it did not want to suspend Indonesia's debt.

Hamzah tried to gather them at one table. He brought in Ba'asyir, Rizieq Shihab (Islamic Defenders Front), and Ja'far Umar Talib (Laskar Jihad). Hamzah Haz asked for an explanation. The conclusion was drawn that Indonesia is not a nest for terrorists.
Hamzah continued to hold this belief until the end of his life. Even though Hamzah Haz's claims raised pros and cons in his time.
"Vice President Hamzah Haz once invited Abu Bakar Ba'asyir and Ja'far Umar Talib to a dinner at his house and announced that there were no terrorists in Indonesia. However, these kinds of claims are increasingly difficult to believe.”
"Jakarta's middle class community really felt attacked when the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta was bombed in August 2003, which killed 12 Indonesians (including the suicide bomber) and one European, as well as injuring many others," said the historian. M.C. Ricklefs in the book Sejarah Indonesia Modern 1200-2008 (2008).
Hamzah Haz was born in Ketapang, West Kalimantan on February 15 1940 and died at the age of 84, in Jakarta on July 24 2024. His body was buried in the family cemetery in Cisarua, Bogor Regency.
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