JAKARTA - One of the classrooms at the People's School, Kepatihan, Cilacap, Central Java, which was learning algebra suddenly stopped. They had 2 guests. Together with the homeroom teacher, the two guests stood in front of around 30 fifth grade students. One of them advanced to the front of the table, looked around the class, then greeted and introduced himself. "I am Soedirman, and this is Pak Isdiman."

All the students were stunned. They listened carefully to what was said by the person who would become the first commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. "I want to say goodbye and fight with Dai Nippon," he said. The man in the black hat, dull white shirt, and cream-colored trousers continued his sentence. "I ask the Pangestu good luck. The children who have grown up will also have to fight. Defend the country."

All the students who were in the class simultaneously answered, "Here, sir!". Sudirman ended the visit by greeting the students while leaving the room. Isdiman, who did not say anything, followed behind him.

Soedirman Taufik, told the story that he experienced 69 years ago to Tempo in his book "Soedirman a Commander, A Martyr" (2013). Taufik also knew that Soedirman and Isdiman also said goodbye to several other schools before joining the voluntary army formed by Japan, Defenders of the Homeland (Peta). "Pak Dirman is indeed a teacher," he said.

Today, all of Indonesia celebrates National Teacher's Day. National Teacher's Day is celebrated every year to appreciate, support and encourage the quality of Indonesian teachers. At this moment, we will remember Sudirman's figure as a teacher before finally becoming the Great Commander.

Soedirman's way of teaching

Graduated from Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) Parama Wiworotomo - at junior high school level - in 1934, Sudirman went on to attend School for Assisted Teachers (Hollandsche Indische Kweekschool) in Solo, Central Java. However, he did not finish school there, and returned to Cilacap a year later.

Then Soedirman met Muhammadiyah Cilacap figure, R. Mohammad Kholil. Thanks to his private teacher, he was appointed as an elementary school teacher at Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) Muhammadiyah Cilacap.

Soedirman's way of teaching is considered not monotonous, sometimes peppered with jokes, and often interspersed with messages of religion and nationalism. This was told by one of his students, Marsidik, to Sardiman in his book "Guru Nation: A Biography of General Soedirman" (2008).

Sudirman's expertise in mixing humor and puppet stories made him popular with his students. Despite his low salary, Sudirman continued to teach diligently. Several years later, his persistence had sweet fruit. He was appointed head of the school even though he did not have a teacher's certificate. As a result, his monthly salary quadrupled from three guilders to twelve and a half guilders.

As the principal of the school, Sudirman carried out various administrative tasks, including finding a middle ground between conflicting teachers. Still according to Marsidik (2008), a colleague once told that Sudirman was a moderate and democratic leader. Soedirman does not think about work, he is also active in fundraising activities, both for the benefit of school construction or for other developments.

During this time, Sudirman was also active as a member of the Muhammadiyah Youth Group. In this group, he is known as a straightforward negotiator and mediator. Sudirman was elected as Chairman of the Banyumas Muhammadiyah Youth Group at the end of 1937. During his tenure, he facilitated all activities and education of members, both in the religious and secular fields.

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