JAKARTA - The Order of March 11, 1966 (Supersemar) became a big part of the nation's history. The letter was the determinant of how General Soeharto took over Soekarno's position as President of the Republic of Indonesia. Bambang Widjanarko, Soekarno's personal aide witnessed the thrilling moments of the publication of Supersemar.
Supersemar contains messages for Suharto to take the necessary steps after the political turmoil. A step needed to restore public security, protect the president, and the president's teachings. But Suharto went further. Actions that made Soekarno abdicate.
Such is the general narrative about Supersemar. More real conditions occurred at the Bogor Palace, when three generals of the Army (AD), Basuki Rachmat, M. Yusuf, and Amir Machmud arrived at Soekarno. Bambang Widjanarko welcomed the three of them directly. He was also the one who escorted the three generals to the pavilion where Soekarno was.
It was during this meeting that Bung Karno issued the famous Supersemar. After the meeting, Bung Karno headed for Jakarta by helicopter. Meanwhile, the vehicle that was picking up the three generals never arrived. As a result, Bambang offered his vehicle for the generals to board.
With jostling, Bambang escorted the three generals to Jakarta in the dim night. "Based on the Sebelas Maret Order (Supersemar) signed by Bung Karno himself, Bung Karno's way of life changed and his political career ended," writes in the book Sewindu Dekat Bung Karno (1998).
"Bung Karno's busyness at the end of 1966 and early 1967 was almost gone. He was only accompanied by Mrs. Hartini and her two sons and accompanied by aides and personal escorts, Bung Karno was in the Bogor Palace pavilion. Not many people came, including friends. -friends, "continued Bambang's statement.

Bambang added that after Supersemar left, many people stayed away from Bung Karno for fear of being mistaken for Big Brother. Those who were close, then moved away. To the extent that, those who had been close to Bung Karno started shouting insults to cover up their support.
Bambang describes the condition as a saying: There is sugar, there is ants, and when it sinks, the first thing is the rats run away from it.
However, this did not apply to people who had accompanied Bung Karno from the past, such as Johannes Leimena and Agoes Moesin Dasaad. They remained loyal as Bung Karno's personal friends. Friendship, said Bambang, is true friendship between humans and humans.
Keroncong night
Another memory related to Bung Karno's last moments at the Bogor Palace was when at one time Big Brother wanted to hold a keroncong night. That night Bung Karno wanted to be happy to let go of fatigue for a moment.
"We summoned artists from Jakarta and Bogor to have them play at the Bogor Palace on Sunday nights. The original keroncong and stambul songs that were played that night, such as Sapu Lidi, Muritsku, Bunga Mawar, etc., sounded more melodious and carried away because of the cool air and the harmonious atmosphere of the Bogor Palace. Bung Karno likes real keroncong, not folk songs that are played with keroncong rhythms, "said Bambang Widjanarko.
On the night of keroncong, Bung Karno got even more excited and invited the artists to continue to dig up old songs. After that night, Bung Karno requested that every two weeks the Keroncong Night be held at the Bogor Palace.
In fact that happy night must come to an end. In March 1967, the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS) held an extraordinary session. At the end of the session a decision was issued which made Suharto the second President of the Republic of Indonesia.
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