JAKARTA - On March 1, 1949, Indonesian troops launched a revenge attack. The attack in Yogyakarta, known as the "Serangan Umum 1 Maret" (March 1 general attack), forced the Dutch troops to withdraw from Kota Pelajar. This attack was not without reason. Serangan Umum 1 Maret was motivated by the Dutch betrayal of the Renville peace treaty.
After the sirens to mark the end of the curfew were turned on, the TNI troops got ready. Guerrilla, they attacked all Dutch troops that were found in every corner of Yogyakarta. Quoting the Ministry of Education and Culture's website, Indonesian troops initially withdrew to the hills, valleys, and remote areas. They are waiting for instructions to carry out the attack.
At that time, military leaders and government leaders had agreed to take over the city of Yogyakarta. Previously, on December 19, 1948, the Dutch violated the Renville peace agreement by launching the Dutch Military Aggression II. Through this aggression, the Dutch conquered Yogyakarta, which at that time was the capital of Indonesia. The Dutch also arrested the government leaders of the Republic of Indonesia.
The King of Yogyakarta Sultanate Hadiningrat Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was angry with the Dutch Military Aggression II. Hamengkubuwono IX then contacted General Sudirman, calling for a military operation against the Dutch to be carried out in Yogyakarta. General Sudirman then instructed Hamengkubuwono IX to coordinate with the military forces in Yogyakarta to immediately attack the Dutch troops.
Hamengkubuwono IX also coordinated with Lt. Col. Soeharto to attack the Dutch on March 1, 1949. The attack was known to have lasted only six hours. This brief attack succeeded in repelling the Dutch. The TNI also succeeded in seizing weapons from the Netherlands. The names Hamengkubuwono, General Sudirman, and Lt. Col. Soeharto were figures in the March 1 general attack.
Wrong date of the attack
Although the March 1 General Offensive sounded grim and courageous, there was a unique story behind it. On February 28, 1949, troops led by Lieutenant Komarudin made the first attack. This was done because Lieutenant Komarudin miscalculated the date.
Quoting Tempo, these troops had made raids in several areas. However, the Dutch thought the attack was minor. However, this raises concerns that the Dutch will find out about Indonesia's real plans.
"You all go. Tell Komarudin to stop shooting and come back right away! Say it's not March 1 yet. Surely he made a mistake in counting! Damn!", said Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto when sending Lieutenant Gideon and Sergeant Sujud, as written by Purnawan Tjondronegoro in Merdeka Tanahku, Merdeka Negeriku Volume 14.
However, the Dutch did not expect an attack the next day. Yogyakarta City was successfully taken over by the TNI and the people.
A monument was inaugurated on March 1, 1973, by President Soeharto in memory of the March 1 attacks. When the inauguration of the monument, all sound sources such as sirens, church bells, and drums mosque, were sounded for one minute to remember the struggle.
The significance of Serangan Umum 1 Maret
Serangan Umum 1 Maret has significance for Indonesia's diplomatic struggles abroad. The success of the TNI in attacking on March 1, 1949, opened wide international eyes to Indonesia.
They realize that Indonesia's presence is very strong. The international community finally condemned the Dutch Military Aggression II. This strengthens the situation of world diplomacy on the side of Indonesia.
Serangan Umum 1 Maret also prompted the United States (US) and the United Nations to put pressure on the Netherlands to immediately recognize Indonesia's sovereignty. This was done using the Roem Royen peace agreement and the Round Table Conference.
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