YOGYAKARTA - National Santri Day is celebrated on October 22 every year. This special moment is always awaited by students and Muslims throughout Indonesia. Usually Muslims will hold various events and religious activities, such as prayer, collective remembrance, cultural arts, and others. So what is the history of National Santri Day like?

The celebration of National Santri Day is always greeted with joy by Muslims, especially in Islamic boarding schools. Even a series of santri day events can be held in a few days, since before the day H. Not just for excitement, the history of Santri Day is related to the struggle of the ulama and students in fighting for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

As the country with the most Muslim population in the world, the commemoration of National Santri Day is an important moment in Indonesia. Santri Day which falls on October 22 was determined by President Joko Widodo through the Presidential Decree (Keppres) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2015 concerning Santri Day.

The determination of National Santri Day is actually planned since Jokowi has not yet served as President. The proposal for the holding of a santri day began with hundreds of students at Babussalam Islamic Boarding School, Banjarejo Village, Malang in 2014. Jokowi, who was still a presidential candidate, promised the students would fight for the National Santri Day.

National Santri Day is commemorated to recognize the role of students in fighting and defending the independence of the Indonesian state. The Santri Day celebration is held to remember, imitate, and continue the role of ulama in defending and defending the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The decision to hold National Santri Day is based on three things related to Indonesia's struggle for independence among scholars and students.

The ulama and students in Islamic boarding schools have played a major role in the struggle to seize and defend Indonesia's independence. Ulama and students also fought for Indonesia's independence.

The commemoration of Santri Day aims to commemorate and emulate the struggles of the ulama and students in defending and defending the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The ulama and students also contribute to the nation's development. Easy children and future generations need to emulate and continue the struggle.

The third reason for determining National Santri Day is referring to the Jihad Resolution initiated by Hadratussyekh KH Hasyim Asy'ari. The jihad resolution was able to move the masses to defend Indonesia's independence. In the call, every Muslim must participate in defending the homeland and defend the independence of the Republic of Indonesia from the colonial attack

The resolution of jihad is an important event that mobilizes students, youth, and the community to take a joint action to fight against colonial forces. The call was conveyed to block the Dutch Colonial army disguised as the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA). The students in Surabaya at that time stormed Bridge 49 Mahratta Headquarters led by Brigadier General Aurbertin Walter Sothern Mallaby.

Such is the historical review of National Santri Day which is commemorated every October 22. In 2023, Santri Day will be held with the theme Jihad Santri Jayakan Negeri with a message to celebrate the enthusiasm and dedication of the students as heroes of education.

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