JAKARTA History today, 36 years ago, April 4, 1987, President Soeharto inaugurated the Gondang Reservoir in Lamongan, East Java. The Gondang Reservoir is considered by Suharto to be a source of life for local residents.

Previously, Suharto and the New Order (Orba) often inflamed development. The study was carried out so that Indonesia could become a great nation and grow. Even as evidence of the New Order government working. As a result, Suharto was nicknamed the Father of Development.

The rapid development of the New Order era is second to none. Suharto's strong leadership is behind it. He tried to bring Indonesia to develop rapidly. The dream is not grandiose. Moreover, the Indonesian economy was able to improve during the New Order era.

All because of the courage of the New Order government to open investment taps. The advantages of investment in the archipelago are used to build all forms of infrastructure. From bridges to reservoirs. New Order also tried to provide a clear development conception.

Development planning has begun to have its own qualifications. Short, medium, and long-term development. This series makes development during the Suharto era often run on time. In fact, it can be faster.

This power made Suharto's leadership remembered throughout the country. This is because the results of the development of the New Order government have also been announced in all kinds of mass media. The people became convinced that the New Order had worked hard to build the country.

The presence of the infrastructure is believed by the New Order to be useful for many people. sometimes development is considered as a source of the people's economy. Even though the development did not escape the conflict.

The concept of long-term development I and Il is an implementation of the mandate of the Large Line of State Policy (GBHN). It is applied with the Trilogy of Development and the Deiapan of Equity Paths. This is truly extraordinary.

Pak Harto's leadership is also recognized abroad and is a pioneer in ASEAN countries. The success of development is shown by the success in the food sector, improving the quality of human resources in terms of education, improving health, and the success of infrastructure development. There is still a lot of evidence of Pak Harto's leadership success," said Soetoyo NK in the book Pak Harto: The Untold Stories (2011).

The presence of the Gondang Reservoir in Lamongan is proof of the narrative that the New Order is promoting national development. The building is predicted to be able to bring benefits to local residents. The New Order believes that the problems of floods and droughts that often hit can be resolved immediately.

The narrative was then delivered directly when President Soeharto inaugurated the Gondang Reservoir on April 4, 1987. Suharto said the reservoir was able to flow more than 10 thousand hectares of agricultural land. Therefore, the community is expected to be able to make maximum use of the presence of the Gondang Reservoir.

Gondang reservoir has an important meaning for the development of our nation because this reservoir is part of our great effort to develop and utilize one of the many natural resources we have.

"The development we are doing is indeed a big struggle to improve the welfare of the people. Therefore, let us try so that we can continue to improve our development struggle," said Suharto as quoted by Media Karya Magazine in his report entitled President Inaugurating Reservoir and Bridge (1987).

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