JAKARTA - Today's memory, 22 years ago, February 7, 2001, President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) fired Yusril Ihza Mahendra from his position as Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Menkeh HAM). The dismissal was carried out because Gus Dur no longer liked Yusril.

Previously, Gus Dur's leadership was often criticized by many parties. The controversy started from Gus Dur's goal of removing MPRS Decree No. XXV/1966 and disbanding MPR/DPR. Gus Dur was also affected. He stepped down from the presidency.

Gus Dur's leadership is full of dynamics. He became the number one Indonesian person who dared to apologize for the atrocities of the massacre of sympathizers of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in 1965-1966. He said the sin of the September 30th Movement (G30S) should not be borne by many people.

For him, all people accused of being communists are not necessarily guilty and must be sentenced to death. Even if you want to punish, you must go through a clear procedure to prove it. If it is not there, then it is time to immediately apologize to the victim's family.

As a form of seriousness, Gus Dur also proposed that MPRS Decree No. XXV/1966 regarding the dissolution of the PKI and prohibiting the spread of the teachings of marxism, communism and leninism be immediately revoked. The revocation so that the government is not considered to stand for just one community group.

Gus Dur wanted to give a message that he was standing for all groups. There is no difference. Gus Dur's courage was appreciated by many parties. Gus Dur is considered a leader who can think far through the times.

By apologizing, Gus Dur also exposed the shackles of dating him for a long time. Nearly a quarter of a century: that every PKI person, as well as every child, wife, husband, deserves to be killed or removed. Gus Dur dumped an attitude that he did not want to ask again: is it fair that has occurred since 1965? Even if the leadership of the PKI is guilty of great guilt in 1965, after all, he is still very wrong with the punishment imposed on each person, as well as his relatives, who are left behind even if not directly with the party.

"We remember the ancient atrocities: a city was defeated and every citizen was massacred or slaved. Gus Dur did not seem to want that injustice. He, as president, allowed himself to be photographed sitting intimately near Iba, daughter of DN Aidit, who for most of his life was an escape without a passport in Europe. In that scene there was a lawsuit: is Iba guilty just because he is the son of the chairman of the PKI? Gus Dur's answer: no, "said Goenawan Mohamad in the book After Revolution No More (2001).

However, Gus Dur's move received protests from his own officials. Yusril Ihza Mahendra, especially. He who helps Gus Dur as Minister of Defense of Human Rights every day feels that the action is out of bounds.

Moreover, Gus Dur wanted to issue a Presidential Decree regarding the disbandment of the DPR/MPR. Instead of supporting, Yusril actually advised Gus Dur to resign from the presidency.

This step is considered by Yusril so that political chaos does not occur. However, Gus Dur considered his proposal not good. The impact is everywhere. Gus Dur considers himself and Yusril to be no longer in line. The Pluralism dismissed Yusril on February 7, 2001. Yusril's dismissal marks the umpteenth time Gus Dur's leadership will close the book soon.

There were two points at that time, I was a bit at odds with President Gus Dur. I conveyed in real good ways, namely he wanted to abolish MPRS Decree No. XXV/1966. Namely about the prohibition of communism, leninism, marxism.

"Second, his desire to apply the decree to dissolve the MPR/DPR. That's all because there has been a previous process with the name of the DPR memorandum to the MPR to ask for the president's responsibility. All because of the impact of Buloggate cases, Brunei cases, and all kinds of cases like that. Well, I say it's better if the President resigns in this condition. That's where the difference starts," said Yusril Ihza Mahendra, at the Alvin and Friends event on Youtube The Prime Show, July 29, 2019.

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