JAKARTA - For Papuans, the Jayapura Indonesian Football Association is a legend. Where the club with the acronym Persipura Jayapura can make people - players or spectators - feel they belong to the club nicknamed "Mutiara Hitam".

All of that cannot be separated from the firm determination of two famous Persipura figures, namely Ds. Mesach Koibur and Barnabas Youwe. Thanks to both, Persipura has transformed into an elite Indonesian club, at least until today.

Historically, the Persipura team was born out of the concern of several priests who attended Primaire Middlebare School (PMS) Kotaraja, Jayapura in 1952-1955. Narrated by Ds Mesach Koibur, himself and his friends Barnabas Youwe, Hendrik Puy, Fans Ondi, David Hamadi, and Izaskar Maryen, when they were at school they founded two teams: PELIKAN and Door Oefening Sterk (DOS). Because of that, the two teams became members of the Voetbal Bond Hollandia (VBH) who actively participated in the competition, so that they were respected.

The knowledge of football was then explored by the priests, who at that time were assigned to study in the Netherlands. There, Mesach Koibur and his friends completed their HBS and Tropical Agriculture education in Wageningen. During their studies, they took the time to learn about the development of football in the Netherlands. After finishing, the knowledge from the land of the Windmills was brought by them to Jayapura.

Before focusing on football, Mesach Koibur was elected as general secretary of the general synod of the Christian Bible Church (GKI) in Papua. Through that position, Mesach Koibur tries to serve the people throughout Papua.

However, the political situation caused by the Tri Komando Rakyat (Trikora) operation in 1962 was uncertain, making him sad about the condition of Papuan youth. This is because the land of Papua at that time was very tense and frustrated many young people.

In more detail, we have reviewed the problem of the Trikora operation. We have reviewed it in the article "December 19 in History: Soekarno Gelorakan Trikora."

The formation of Persipura

As a result, an idea emerged in Mesach Koibor's head to help Papuan youths through scouting and football. This self-confidence was because in addition to serving at the GKI Synod, Mesach was also the Head of the Nederland NG Province Guide who had received a Gill Well (Woodbadge) scout education in Sydney, Australia 1959.

"Regarding football based on our experience at Primaire Middlebare School (PMS) Kotaraja, in VBH, and the Netherlands. There was an agreement to form a kind of football club, and Barnabas Youwe's brother was given the responsibility of making contact with various parties (teams) and organizing trainings, "said Mesach Koibor in his writing entitled This is the Real History of Persipura (2010).

To that end, Youwe turned his attention to high schools such as the Secondary Technical School (STM). Because of Koibor and Youew's sincerity, their efforts received a positive response. Gradually the two of them received great support in order to form a forum to unite all Papuan youth. In the end, they also declared the establishment of the Jayapura Indonesia Football Association (Persipura Jayapura) on May 25, 1965.

An elite club from the earth of paradise

Having been formed since May 25, 1965, Persipura may never be short on talented players. The average son of the Papua region has a strong physique and the ability to run fast. In addition, the players from the land of Cendrawasih are generally also good at dribbling the ball. This skill can be seen from a number of big names like Boaz Salossa to Eduard Ivakdalam.

Then, the Persipura coach in 2005, Rahmad Darmawan, often praised the Mutiara Hitam player. "Their improvisation is better than players from other regions."

Rahmad proved the case himself when he led Persipura to emerge as the champion of the Djarum Indonesia League in 2005. The team he directed at that time beat Persija Jakarta 3-2 in the final. Even Papuans have been waiting for this victory for 25 years.

Previously, Persipura won the association championship in 1980. In 1980, Persipura was strengthened by its flagship players, such as Mettu Duaramuri, Timu Kapissa, and Yoharis Auri.

Long ago after winning the union championship, Persipura's achievements had dimmed, until they had to fall into second caste, Division I. It was recorded that Persipura was in the second caste of the national competition for six years. Nevertheless, the momentum of Persipura's revival was seen in 1993. Even though it did not contribute to the title, the Black Pearl appeared like David trying to beat the giant, Goliath.

Loved by the Papuan people

It was only in 2005, that the signs of the championship returning to Papua began to appear. Persipura, driven by world class players such as Boaz Sallosa, is able to return the spirit of champions to the land of Papua. Because of that, their arrival back to Papua with a trophy from the Indonesian Djarum League was greeted with great fanfare.

Thousands of Papuans flocked to Sentani Airport, Jayapura. This was done after his favorite team brought back the national championship title. everyone who came was hysterical. Instead of just saying congratulations. They looked hysterically shouting: Long live Persipura, live Persipura.

"As soon as the Boeing 737-400 aircraft landed at Sentani Airport, Tuesday last week, thousands of residents immediately surrounded it. The security guards did not move, especially after several sides of the runway guardrail collapsed and was crushed by the masses. They screamed hysterically after the Mayor of Jayapura, Manase Roberth Kambu, appeared from behind the plane door. 'Long live Persipura! Long live Persipura! ' Kambu, which has not yet fully set foot on the earth, is immediately attacked and carried by the crowd, ”wrote Suseno and Cunding Levi in an article in Tempo Magazine entitled The Return of the Lost Pearl (2005).

Not only that, the Mutiara Hitam team even competitively continued to carve a golden history that colored the dynamics of Indonesian football. Nurwendo in the book Scratches Pena Sang Anak Kolong Series 4 (2020), revealed that Persipura had also been Indonesia's representative in the Asian Champions Cup competition in 2010 and the AFC Cup in 2011, 2014 and 2015.

"With the presence of the Papua Bangkit Main stadium, Persipura Jayapura will be able to obtain an AFC license, one of the conditions is to have a home base with international standards," he added.

Hopefully, to commemorate the glory of Persipura all this time, there is no most appropriate song besides the song sung by Black Brother entitled Persipura Mutiara Hitam. This song, which was popular in 1977, has become a song that has succeeded in elevating the dignity and self-respect of the Papuan people, especially through football.

People already know everything knows

On the green field

Now has appeared on the eastern horizon

Black Pearl

Timmo Kapisa Yohanes Auri

And his friends

Play brilliantly hit your opponent

And always win

Persipura black pearl

Persipura is always brilliant.

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