JAKARTA - The love story of Prabowo Subianto and Siti Hediati Hariyadi (Titiek Suharto) went smoothly. Both parties, Soemitro Djokohadikoesoemo and Suharto, approved their relationship. Prabowo's application was well received.

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is also a place to bind the sacred promise. All plans went smoothly. But not with the submission of a marriage witness from Soemitro's side. Suharto did not want the presence of Soemitro's friend who is also a former National Police Chief, General Hoegeng Imam Santoso.

The relationship between Prabowo Subianto and Titiek had shocked Soemitro, who at that time was the Minister of Trade of Indonesia, was not playing. He could not predict the smell of a conflict of interest if his son really matched Suharto's son.

The economist is known as a person who is reluctant to submit to the New Order. He even dared to throw criticism and reject the order of Mrs. Tien and the New Order in the issue of importing cloves. However, all forms of concern were tried to be reduced by Soemitro. For the sake of the child's happiness, he thought.

He also left the decision entirely to Prabowo Subianto and Titiek. Soemitro will follow whatever the second decision is. In fact, Prabowo, who had just returned from his military training in Germany, also showed seriousness. He wants to take his relationship with Titiek to a serious level. Even though Titiek's status has not graduated as a student at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia.

Soemitro moved to propose to Titiek for Prabowo Subianto. He and his family were well received by Suharto. All kinds of wedding plans were discussed. Suharto agreed with Soemitro's input, except regarding the request of witnesses for marriage and the selection of invited guests.

Suharto did not want General Hoegeng Imam Santoso's name to be a witness to marriage. This also applies to the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, who was previously on the invited guest list.

The prohibition was allegedly because the two were actively involved in criticizing the New Order through the Petition 50 group. Sumitro was sad, not playing. His face was out of order. He immediately went to his two friends to apologize.

After going to Hoegeng, Soemitro also went to Ali Sadikin's house. To Ali Sadikin he apologized for not being able to invite the former Minister of Sea Transportation and the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs to the Prabowo party later. He said he had tried but failed too. Like Hoegeng, Bang Ali also said he could understand.

Actually, Hoegeng was not surprised to hear that he was exhibited by Suharto. He had already imagined that the rejection would occur. Even if he was then moved and shed tears not because he was disappointed, but because he appreciated the sincerity and sincerity of his friend. Since signing the Petition 50 of 1980 Hoegeng himself has raised the door to exclusion for him," said Aris Santoso and his friends in the book Hoegeng: Cooling Oase in the Middle of Corrupt Behavior of the Leaders of the Nation (2009).

Soemitro's heart may be sad, but his son's marriage is on the road. Moreover, Suharto himself had vacated his state agenda long ago to marry Titiek. TMII, who in fact an ambitious project from the New Order, was chosen to be the location for the luxury wedding on May 8, 1983. Precisely at the Sasono Agung Utomo Hall and Sasono Langen Budaya.

Everything is well prepared. From the wedding committee to the rain handler. Suharto also intervened to see the extent of the readiness of the event. The marriage to Javanese custom started at 09:30 WIB. Prabowo Subianto and Titiek looked elegant and elegant in a paesjeng dress.

Those who witnessed marriage were no less classy. The witness from Suharto's side is the Vice President of Indonesia, Umar Wirahadikusumah. Meanwhile, Soemitro is the Chairman of the Supreme Audit Agency who is also the former Commander of ABRI, General M. Jusuf.

The celebration was reported by all mass media as one of the grand weddings that existed in that year. There were not a few invited guests. President Suharto wanted his son's wedding to bring guests up to 3,000 people.

Thus, on that day, Probosutedjo - President Soeharto's younger brother - became a spokesman for the bride when welcoming the handover of the groom. He said in Javanese chromo inggil, the same as the language used by Soerono (Menko-Polkam) who represented the bride and groom. Pak Harto himself, of course, sat as the bride's father. Since Thursday the President has not held state activities.

Towards the approaching D-days, the bride's father gave final instructions in the field. He even stepped in when the tarub was installed Thursday morning at his residence, Jalan Cendana. Wearing a surjan and blangkon style Yogya, Pak Harto climbed the stairs to put the tarub on the front of his house. In the afternoon he led the same ceremony at the reception at the Great Hall of Sasono Utomo, TMII, written in a Tempo Magazine report entitled Marriage to Putri Suharto (1983).

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