JAKARTA History today, 66 years ago, November 30, 1956, the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) granted Mohammad Hatta's resignation as Vice President of Indonesia. No one was surprised to hear the DPR's decision. People in Minangkabau let alone.

Previously, Soekarno and Hatta were often considered ideal leaders. Both are called Dwitunggal. However, the reality actually says otherwise. The two friendly leaders often disagreed with understanding from the colonial era to an independent Indonesia.

Soekarno and Hatta's figures are often considered as ideal leaders. The two have a good relationship. However, both are rarely in one thought. Bung Karno and Bung Hatta often disagreed. This condition has even been going on since the Dutch colonial era.

Bung Karno said he and Bung Hatta were two different figures. Hatta is an economist whose way of thinking is only like a book. Even Hatta is considered a leader who knows no lies. Bung Karno is the opposite.

Bung Hatta did not escape to criticize Bung Karno's life. He called Putra Sang Fajar an impulsive figure. This gift made Bung Karno always attract the attention of the Dutch. As a result, Indonesia's independence is likely to be achieved for a long time.

It is possible that at that time the only match between the two was the desire for an independent Indonesia. The rest, Bung Karno and Hatta were two different friends.

"Hatta said the people would laugh at Bung Karno if he went to prison once again. The people would say: That's his own fault. Why Sukarno always propagates Indonesia Merdeka, while he knows that the Dutch will stop him. He's crazy. So the struggle for independence will still take years. People must first be educated towards that."

Hatta is not around the footpath and with a bargaining heart I left the meeting that lasted for those few hours. Our differences are like day and night, and Hatta has not changed his stance at all. I'm still trying to get rid of this rift. For a few months I tried, "Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Connecting the Indonesian People's Lidah (1966).

This difference does not mean that the two hate each other. The proof is, at the beginning of Indonesia's independence, Soekarno and Hatta often complement each other. Bung Karno used his way to burn the spirit of the people. Meanwhile, Hatta struggled with his way to educate the Indonesian people.

However, problems arose when Soekarno began using power tools to silence his political opponents. Moreover, Bung Karno began to close himself up with Dipa Nusantara Aidit and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in the 1950s.

A series of problems made Hatta take a stand. He chose to resign from the seat of Vice President of Indonesia. The resignation was only received by the DPR on November 30, 1956.

Hatta decided to resign. On July 20, 1956, Hatta sent a letter to the DPR and it was copied to President Sukarno and the Ministerial Council. But the DPR ignored the letter. Finally Hatta sent another letter on November 23, 1956 and informed him that on December 1, 1956 he would resign.

On November 30, 1956, the DPR convened and accepted Hatta's request. Since then Hatta has lived as an ordinary citizen. However, this does not mean that he is no longer involved in the nation's problems. If there are things that are not in line with his mind, he will not hesitate to give advice to the government," explained Anwar Abbas in the book Bung Hatta and Islamic Economy (2010).

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