Kiai Sadrach Style Spread Christian Teachings With Javanese Culture
Illustration of Kiai Sadrach (Raga Granada / VOI)

JAKARTA - On November 14, 1924 or 96 years ago, Kiai Sadrach died at the very old age of 90 years. Kiai Sadrach is an influential figure in the spread of Christian teachings in Java. The uniqueness of Kiai Sadrach in spreading Christian teachings made him so respected and had many congregations.

Kiai Sadrach's birth name is Radin. Radin was born into a poor farming family. According to a journal study entitled Sadrach Mission Strategy, a Socio-Historical Study by Silas Sariman, Radin has been living wandering and begging since childhood. Radin became a beggar when he was a student, because it has become a tradition for students of the Koran and Islamic boarding schools to beg as part of the curriculum. Radin was then adopted by a wealthy Muslim family.

Radin studied at the Koran school which also teaches general subjects. At the school, Radin was introduced to basic lessons on Islam and the obligations of the Javanese. After graduating from the school, Radin studied with a Javanese ngelmu teacher, named Pak Kurmen in Semarang.

After turning 17 years old, Radin moved to Jombang to study at a boarding school. Radin became a student who was very superior among other students. At the Islamic boarding school, Radin studied and taught to live in the community. It is considered the most important aspect of life.

Radin Becomes Sadrach

During his vacation, Radin went to Mojowarno to listen to teachings from Jellesma, a Dutch missionary. At that time, Radin touched Christian teachings for the first time. After that, the seeds of Christian teaching began to knock on his heart. Radin was interested in discussing the gospel of salvation and decided to study it well.

However, Radin did not immediately embrace Christianity. This is because Radin is continuing to study at the boarding school in Ponorogo. At the pesantren, Radin learned to read and write Arabic script, write pegon (Javanese language written in Arabic script), and learn to read and write Javanese script. No wonder Radin is so smart because he learns everything.

After graduating from the Islamic boarding school, Radin decided to go to Semarang. Radin studied and studied from Hoezoo, an evangelist in Semarang. Radin was accepted as a catechism student and attended services every Sunday. He was then introduced to Kiai Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung, a Javanese evangelist from Jepara.

After meeting Kiai Tunggul Wulung, Radin was increasingly inclined towards Christianity. Radin then expressed his willingness to become a Christian. Together with Kiai Tunggul Wulung, Radin went to Batavia to become a student of Anthing and participate in Christian education founded by Anthing. A year after graduating from that education, he decided to be baptized under the name Sadrach.

Preaching of the Gospel by Kiai Sadrach

Kiai Sadrach's knowledge in Javanese and Christian teachings made him a evangelist that was different from other evangelists. Kiai Sadrach made Javanese culture a community identity. Kiai Sadrach began preaching the gospel in the Central Java region and the area west of Yogyakarta. Quoting the journal Building a Christian Community Kang Mardika: Kyai Sadrach in the History of Christianity in Java (1869-1923) by Samudra Eka Cipta, the figure of Kiai Sadrach is known to his followers as 'Rasoel Ing Tanah Jawi' because he developed the teachings of 'Apostolic', namely a Church Reform Movement in a sect. Protestant teachings.

Kiai Sadrach's followers in the Muntilan and Kulon Progo regions grew rapidly during the period 1869-1870. The efforts made by Kiai Sadrach were successfully accepted by the community. Kiai Sadrach congregations reached 7,000 in 1890 and 20,000 when Kiai Sadrach died. Congregations are spread throughout the residency of Central Java and parts of Yogyakarta. Therefore, Sadrach could baptize and order someone who wanted to convert to Christianity without seeking approval for the Dutch zending and ZGKN, the holder of the Christianization authority in Java.

After traveling to various regions, Kiai Sadrach decided to spend his life in Purworejo. Kiai Sadrach also built a unique church. He built a church without a cross and in a joglo style. After Sadrach died, the New Apostolic Church was succeeded by Yotham Martoreja.

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