JAKARTA - The prestige of Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie will not be timeless. His intelligence and kindness are so imprinted. In fact, Indonesian children even aspire to have a brain like Habibie. All because Habibie can play anyone. From ministers to Indonesia's number one person. From the affairs of aircraft engines to the people. Therefore, Indonesia feels the loss of Habibie's death. The whole archipelago mourns. It was unavoidable to hold magical prayers for Habibie in all corners of the country.

Habibie's return to Indonesia is the most well-known moment for the Indonesian people. At that time, Habibie was asked directly by President Soeharto to build the country's aerospace industry. Habibie also welcomed Suharto's request while accepting the challenge. Habibie also returned to his homeland in the 1970s.

The aircraft engineer believes that his abilities can mean a lot to the nation and state. He also tried to explore the nation's potential in the field of aerospace. As a result, Habibie keeps making achievements. He is not only able to develop the national aerospace industry, but also participate in advancing the development of Indonesian technology.

President Jokowi visits the funeral home of former President BJ Habibie in Patra Kuningan, South Jakarta. (setneg.go.id) (

These series of achievements made Habibie a person who was greatly idolized by Indonesian children from the 1970s, until the most recent era. Every child who is asked what they want to be when they grow up, then becoming Habibie is often heard. Not only for kindergarten children (TK), junior high and high school children are also attracted to want to be Habibie.

The reality of Indonesian children wanting to be Habibie was also immortalized by the legendary Indonesian musician, Iwan Fals. He recorded it in a song called Oemar Bakri (1981). In the song, Iwan Fals wrote a lyric related to Habibie's popularity. The lyrics include: making people's brains like Habibie's brains.

"It was from the workspace that seemed messy that Minister Habibie managed a number of his duties. Habibie himself admitted that he did not remember it by heart. He held at least 25 positions, most of them as top leaders.”

“He was trusted by the President to be the Head of the Defense Industry Team. Most recently, Habibie was also listed as a member of Team 11, the organ in charge of preparing the State Policy Guidelines (GBHN). So, what Habibie takes care of is really diverse. Starting from aircraft engines to the affairs of the people," said Putut Trihusodo in his article in Tempo Magazine entitled From Airplane Affairs to the People (1992).

Magic Prayer

The echo of Habibie's popularity continues even though he is gone. Habibie died at the Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital (RSPAD) on September 11, 2019. His death brought deep sorrow to the entire Indonesian nation.

The grief prompted the general public to remember Habibie. This activity was carried out in various ways. The mass media preached Habibie's goodness, and all the Indonesian people who could not take Habibie directly to his final resting place at the Kalibata Heroes' Restaurant, chose to perform the occult prayer.

The occult prayer was performed as a form of the sincerity of the Indonesian people to release Habibie to the Creator. Occult prayers are performed in various parts of the country. For example, the magic prayer in South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) which incidentally is Habibie's birthplace: Pare-Pare.

The South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Provincial Government moved quickly by holding a occult prayer in the courtyard of the South Sulawesi Governor's house, Makassar, on September 12, 2019. Local officials and the public dominated the occult prayer. Moreover, the people of South Sulawesi feel sorry for the loss of one of their local sons.

Magical prayers to pray for the soul of former President BJ Habibie. (kemlu.go.id)

"As sons of the South Sulawesi region, of course we are all obligated to accompany him. Even though we did not have time to pay his respects, we took him to the grave. But now, hopefully, Allah SWT will answer our prayers."

"I, of course, on behalf of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and all the people of South Sulawesi express our condolences and deep sorrow and we are sincere in releasing him," said the Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, as quoted on the South Sulawesi Provincial Government website.

The occult prayer is not only done in the country. It's the same abroad. It's no less crowded. The occult prayer to release Habibie to the Creator was also performed by the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on September 13, 2019.

Grief is not only filled by mere occult prayers. The owner of the event also raised the flag to half mast. A sign of grief. In this way, all Indonesian people residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia express their deep condolences to the family left behind by Habibie.

"We at the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa and the Indonesian people in Ethiopia miss Mr. Habibie very much. He is not only a figure and leader who is very instrumental to the Indonesian nation and state, he is also a respected figure and loved by the world," said the Indonesian Ambassador to Addis Ababa, Al Busyra Basnur.

"Therefore, in order to show our love and affection for Mr. Habibie, the Indonesian people in Ethiopia held a occult prayer as well as prayed for his passing," he added, as written on the kemlu.go.id page.

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