JAKARTA - President Soekarno is a figure who is able to melt into all parties. He is friends and learns indiscriminately. Alias no barriers are built. That charisma made it easy for Bung Karno to get along with anyone. Baby Huwae and “honest police” Hoegeng Imam Santoso were witnesses.
This closeness made Bung Karno dare to suggest that the two of them change their names. For him, the name must be in harmony with the soul. Baby Huwae was also happy with the name Soekarno gave him. While Hoegeng on the other hand. He refused.
A name has meaning. That's what Bung Karno and his family have always agreed. In the past, Bung Karno was given a nickname, Koesno Sosrodihardjo. The name in fact did not bring blessings in Bung Karno's life. He is often sick. Therefore, Soekarno's parents chose to change the name of the child.
Soekarno's name also came to the surface. A name adapted from the Mahabharata puppet story. Giving the name Soekarno was in accordance with the dream of his parents so that his son would have a brave, strong, and powerful character. Like a commander named Karna in the story of the Bharatayuddha War.
The spell was successful. He grew up to be an influential figure, just like his parents' dream. His success in changing his name made Soekarno often give advice on changing his name to other people. Old artist Baby Huwae, for example. Since the beginning of his encounter with Baby Huwae, Bung Karno had felt that there was something odd about the name attached to the beautiful woman.
Baby's name is like an adaptation of a baby's nature, he thought. Baby Huwae didn't dodge either. He explained that when he was born, his parents did not have a name for their daughter. Because his parents hoped to have a son. Spontaneously, the name Baby (Indonesian: baby) was chosen by his parents.
"You keep laughing. I feel annoyed because the father's tone was defending the foreigner earlier. I cry. It's just a matter of crying, said Bung Karno. Means your name, must be changed. Babies really like to cry. The name had a big impact. according to Shakespeare: What's in a name, but I think: everything is a name.”
“Because the name influences, colors our way of life, so the name must be changed. Then you thought for a minute, there weren't 10 minutes, then he said: Where's Bambang Widjanarko (Bung Karno's aide). Mas Bambang Widjanarko, who was there, continued to approach. Take notes, he said to Mr. Bambang. Mas Bambang noted. A new name for Baby Huwae: Lukita Purnamasari," said Baby Huwae as written in Bung Karno's book: The Gone of a Lover, My Husband, & My Pride (1978).
Hoegeng RefusesIt was not only Baby Huwae who was offered a new name by Soekarno. Another figure who was offered by Bung Karno was Hoegeng Imam Santoso (later: National Police Chief). Hoegeng who incidentally was the first graduate of the Police Science College (PTIK) had the opportunity to meet Soekarno at the Merdeka Palace in 1952.
At that meeting, Soekarno paid great attention to all PTIK graduates. He hopes that all PTIK graduates can bring Indonesia's big name in the future. Bung Karno also with his charisma invited all graduates to speak one by one. As usual, Bung Karno was able to grab the attention of those he spoke to. Including Hoegeng.
Hoegeng's encounter with Soekarno at the Merdeka Palace was special. Moreover, Bung Karno did not only speak directly to Hoegeng for the first time. Bung Karno actually asked about the name Hoegeng. According to Bung Karno, the name had no meaning. Aliases are not Javanese names.
Soekarno suggested to Hoegeng to immediately change the name. The name suggested by Bung Besar is like his own name: Soekarno. However, Hoegeng refused. Hoegeng joked that the name was already owned by his assistant. Moreover, the name Hoegeng was a gift from his parents. Instead of being angry, Hoegeng's jokes actually made Bung Karno laugh out loud. Bung Karno liked the humorous Hoegeng.
“I also feel pressured by Bung Karno's authority and fatherly attitude. But there is no intention whatsoever to change my name. It's a gift from my parents or acknowledged by my parents, especially my father who died. Of course, it is also difficult for me to argue or reject Bung Karno's seemingly serious wishes."
"That's why in my head I clear Pekalongam's sense or style. I laughed and then spouted as I pleased with my knees: yes, I got the name Hoegeng from my parents. If I change the name of Soekarno too, while my housemaid's name is Soekarno too," said Hoegeng as written by Abrar Yusra and Ramadhan KH in the book Hoegeng: Police Dreams and Reality (1993).
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