JAKARTA - In the 1950s, the Kemang area, South Jakarta, was a plantation area. There are even those who say it is a place for a genie to throw away children, because it is so lonely.
This area is really famous in the ears of the people as a residence for expatriates, which is originally named because there used to be a lot of kemang trees, in Latin it is called Mangifera Kemanga Caecea. As a result, this area was named Kemang, which is currently included in the administrative area of Bangka Urban Village, South Jakarta.
Now, we see Kemang as an elite residential area and the most popular hangout place in South Jakarta that never sleeps, due to the turnaround of business from restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, hotels, apartments, to nightlife that pulsates all day long.
In fact, previously Kemang was only a village in the Bangka Village. According to the Jakarta spatial plan (RTRW) 1965-1985, Kemang was functioned as a water catchment area. In that sense, there are not many buildings that cover the ground surface.

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This is really different when seeing Kemang which is now quite dense, the proliferation of settlements with expatriate standards, and the increasing number of new businesses and services which are always increasing each year thanks to the permission of Kemang to become a commercial area around 1999.
This is why in the 2000s, this area was known as the 'hangout kids' area of Jakarta. Because of its popularity, to the extent that there is an expression "if you haven't hang out in Kemang, don't hang out." These young people fill their activities in Kemang by relaxing in cafes, restaurants, and relaxing their minds for a moment in the variety of evening entertainment available.
You will get a different view when you look back at the history of Kemang. For example, if it is now a hangout center for young people. In the past, Kemang was actually an area that was hanged by the champions.
All this was revealed by Ridwan Saidi, who is well known as a Betawi cultural observer in a book entitled 'Profiles of Betawi People'. Babe Ridwan (his nickname) revealed that Kemang was formerly known as the 'village of Jawara.'
He recounts, in the 18th century, Kemang became the headquarters for champions who fought against the invaders. Why? Because Kemang used to be an area that was difficult to reach, because the land was always muddy all year round, especially during the rainy season. Not only that, its hilly contours and shady trees make this area ideal as a hiding place.
Ironically, now the shade of the trees in Kemang is only a bedtime story, as well as a subject that is not important to be covered in coffee shops. At best, with the core of the discussion 'how come Kemang was once comfortable, now it's crowded, full and even more and more buildings are added.' Said those who have inhabited the Kemang area from the 1970s.
Apart from that, the floods that always greet Kemang every year can be used as evidence of how this area must be saved as soon as possible. As stated at the outset, Kemang should be a water catchment area. In fact, the river is getting narrower day by day.
In fact, it's not uncommon to find many buildings occupying the width of the river. Moreover, the area that used to be a 'water catchment' in the form of a natural basin with a function as a water catchment area, has now become a large shopping center, apartments and other commercial buildings.
The impact was seen when it rained, although it was not too heavy, the Kemang area was immediately flooded, especially in front of Kemchick Kemang.
Take for example in the middle of 2016 only. At that time, the rain was quite heavy in the Kemang area which caused cars to be flooded and several motorbikes were also submerged due to the rain which caused Krukut River to overflow in the area.
There was a discordant voice that said, "Yes, it only floods once a year." Really make people who hear it understand, that there must be changed from the human mentality.
Why? You already know that every year Kemang is flooded, it is better to speak up about your support so that Kemang is no longer affected by floods, and not even express an attitude of 'neglect.
Well, the solution that according to the idea still sounds reasonable is to download the opinion of urban observer Nirwono Yoga, as reported by Republika, that it is appropriate to carry out building audits and environmental audits related to Kemang spatial planning.
Like calculating how much space is left and how much space can still be saved. From this, according to him, it will produce the recommended space capacity to be protected.
Kemang is currently being abandoned by young people as a creative hangout area, along with the proliferation of new hangout types in almost every area of Jakarta.
Presumably, by restoring a comfortable, shady, and far from stuffy atmosphere, that is the importance of an environmental audit so that Kemang is comfortable, safe and productive to live in while still paying attention to the carrying capacity of the environment.
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