JAKARTA - Most people consider Iwan Fals' songs as a criticism of the government, especially during the New Order era (New Order). Even though the musician whose real name is Virgiawan Listianto admitted that he never had any intention of criticizing. But the public and the New Order think so.

"From the first, I never intended to criticize or anything. I just followed the senses that I received and it was translated as criticism," said Iwan, quoted by Liputan 6.

Although Iwan admits that he has no intention of criticizing, it is difficult not to catch the message of his song as a "rebuke" to the regime. In the song Bongkar, for example, the message of criticism is very clear.

This song describes the heat of the political situation in Indonesia, especially when entering the election period. From the initial lyrics alone, Iwan Fals clearly wanted to convey his concern about the New Order regime.

The lyrics of the song seem to insinuate that the officials at that time seemed to have forgotten the rights of their people. Sadly, the suffering of the people is only used as a spectacle.

Bongkar was created by Iwan Fals and released in 1989 when he was a part of the Swami music group. Together with Swami Iwan, he produced two albums Swami I and Swami II. Apart from Bento, another famous hit to date is Bento.

Honesty Iwan Fals

Iwan Fals was born today, September 3 59 years ago or in 1961. Iwan Fals started his career as a singer not instantaneously. His career started when he went to school in Bandung. Quoted from the iwanfals.co.id site, with his guitar, while singing his own songs, Iwan Fals also often performs Rolling Stone songs.

After releasing Bongkar and Bento, Iwan Fals' name soared again when he joined the Kantata Takwa group in 1990. He was under the full support of a businessman named Setiawan Djodi.

Almost every song he made became popular. One of the factors is none other than because the lyrics he wrote are so simple, relevant, and honest.

Writing lyrics is Iwan Fals' daily life. No wonder the songs he writes are so real and close to portraits of people's lives.

What the public perceives as criticism of the government, for Iwan, is only an outpouring of heart. This is the most honest expression of a person who lives in an environment that is considered marginal.

How could I not, Iwan Fals is familiar with the hard and difficult life because he was a busker. Iwan Fals really understands how to be a small person. Therefore, the lyrics of the songs sometimes seem to criticize the government.

Is considered subversive

Although there is no intention of criticizing the government, Iwan is often seen as subversive. This is proven by several concert schedules of Iwan Fals which were banned and canceled by the security forces during the New Order.

His 100-city tour across Indonesia was hampered by the sudden cancellation of permits by the police. Even though the equipment, personnel, all preparations for the concert have been completed. At that time Iwan Fals was already at the concert location in Palembang but in the end the 100 city tour series failed.

However, this did not make Iwan afraid. He never gave up on writing social themed songs. He even brought the story of his eldest son, Galang, to a phenomenal song title at that time: Galang Rambu Anarki.

The song tells the story of parents' anxiety in facing the rising prices of goods as a result of the fuel price hike in early 1981, which coincided with Galang's birthday. Galang passed quickly and adorned Iwan Fals' life of happiness, because on April 25, 1997, Galang died.

Let go

The sadness of losing her eldest son made her vacuum in the music world. Until finally in 2002, Iwan Fals released the album Suara Hati. In the album, one of the songs tells about his sincerity towards Galang's death. The song is titled Just Face Only.

Previously he also made an album named after his second child, Annisa Cikal Rambu Basae in 1991. In 2003, the birth of his third child Raya was touted as a gift and consolation. The name Raya was also added as the name for the new album.

After the New Order passed, Iwan Fals did not make a song that was criticized by the government for a long time. Until finally in 2018, there was a video uploaded by the Pace Bro account showing Iwan Fals singing a song called Nawacita.

The song describes President Joko Widodo's promises, also known as Nawacita. In detail, explain what the contents of the Nawacita are and ask whether this promise is a promise of heaven or a promise of the company.

Even though the era is more open and the right to express opinions is freer, there are still not many people who sing songs as bite as Iwan Fals. Now Iwan Fals himself does not produce too many songs about the current state of the country.

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