JAKARTA - Hoegeng Imam Santoso's honesty has been tested. His actions as an anti-bribery police officer are evidence. In fact, honesty is often present when holding positions outside the corps and its units. When he served as Head of the Department of Immigration, for example. He refuses to take something that does not belong to him. His leadership was respected for his bravery. Hoegeng once kicked a businessman out of his office. His straight attitude is proof that Hoegeng cannot be intervened by businessmen. Even people close to the president.

Hoegeng's integrity as a police officer has been seen since the Japanese era. Hoegeng carries out his position with full commitment. Therefore, Hoegeng is known as an honest and courageous person. This courage was even more evident when Hoegeng accepted the challenge of the National Police Chief, General Raden Said Soekanto (1945–1959).

The challenge was in the form of a desire for Hoegeng to eradicate corruption, smokel (smuggling), and gambling in Medan in 1955. He was asked to fill the position of head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim). Hoegeng was not afraid at all. Whereas Hoegeng himself has an educational background and his position in the police is intelligence, not crime.

Hoegeng also did a little research. Hoegeng collected information about the criminal situation in Medan. To get a clear picture, he thought. The Chinese Medan group – in Hoegeng's language – is the one that should be most wary of. They often give tempting gifts to police officials as a gift. Because they want their illegal business to last without any disturbance.

Hoegeng is different. He broke the tradition of police officials who were previously easily bribed. Hoegeng remains in his duties as law enforcement. Because of that, Hoegeng did not indiscriminately. Countless how many criminal cases he has solved in Medan.

“After graduating from the Police Science College (PTIK) in 1952, Hoegeng was placed in East Java. His second assignment as Head of Criminal Investigation in North Sumatra became a touchstone for a police officer because this area is known for smuggling. Hoegeng is uniquely welcomed, private houses and cars have been provided by several gambling financiers. He refused and preferred to stay in a hotel before getting an official residence,” said Asvi Warman Adam in the book Uncovering the Mysteries of History (2010).

“Still insisting, the official house was also filled with furniture by the briber. Annoyed, he gave an ultimatum that the goods be taken back by the giver and because it was not fulfilled, finally the furniture was forcibly removed by Hoegeng from his house and placed on the side of the road. So the city of Medan was in an uproar because there was a police chief who could not afford to be bribed.”

General Hoegeng Imam Santoso (Photo: National Library)
Head of the Immigration Service

Hoegeng's tenure in Medan ended in 1960. He returned to Jakarta. But at that time, Hoegeng had not received a call of duty. Practically for a while Hoegeng was unemployed. The situation didn't bother him at all.

Hoegeng continues to live his days leisurely. A lot of time is filled with artistic activities. From painting to playing music. Moreover, Hoegeng thinks that positions do not need to be pursued. Those with integrity will definitely be placed in the right positions. It's all just a matter of time.

The pinnacle of being loved by scholars arrived. Hoegeng accidentally met the Coordinating Minister for State Security/ Commander of the Armed Forces, General AH Nasution. The meeting made General Nasution concerned about Hoegeng's condition, who was unemployed. He immediately reported the condition of the unemployed Hoegeng to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno.

After all, AH Nasution already knows the intricacies of Hoegeng's achievements while serving in the police. Hoegeng was then offered a new position. He was appointed by Soekarno as Head of the Indonesian Immigration Service (now: Directorate General of Immigration Indonesia). A.k.a. a job outside the corps and its units. The job was accepted by Hoegeng.

“Officially, Hoegeng was then appointed as Head of the Indonesian Immigration Service on January 19, 1961. When he chaired the first meeting at the Immigration Office, Nasution was also present. During the meeting, Nasution hoped that Hoegeng would bring about changes in organization and management,” Suhartono wrote in the book Hoegeng: Police and Exemplary Ministers (2013).

"The main task of serving the community is prioritized. During Hoegeng's leadership period, the Department of Immigration no longer had much intervention from other parties. In fact, interference from other institutions has been minimized by Hoegeng.”

Hoegeng with President Suharto (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Don't want to be interfered

During Hoegeng's tenure, the Immigration Service was having various problems. The office does not appear to be fully controlled by the immigration people themselves. Hoegeng realizes that the scope of work is actually a place for non-immigration people to eat. Army intelligence, military police corps, and the attorney general's office. While the immigration people themselves are like mere stampsmiths. Hoegeng immediately made up his mind. He understands immigration requires firm leadership. That's what he runs.

Hoegeng started to work hard. As the Head of Immigration, Hoegeng continues to improve the procedures and work mechanisms of the Immigration Service. Improved immigration services. Starting from the process of managing exit permits to passports. His leadership was met with praise. Immigration is no longer intervened by outside parties. Because of that Hoegeng managed to restore the authority of immigration.

Immigration has also become a respected institution and cannot be underestimated. Various parties wanted to bribe Hoegeng many times. For the sake of smooth business. But all of them were flatly rejected by Hoegeng. For him, maintaining the dignity of immigration as a clean institution is his responsibility.

This attitude was also shown by Hoegeng when a wealthy businessman from Aceh wanted to get a diplomatic passport. The businessman thought that by becoming a close person to President Soekarno, everything would be fine. However, not during Hoegeng's time as the leader of the Immigration Bureau. Hoegeng refused to provide a diplomatic passport which had certain legal immunity.

He thinks the rules are clear, apart from diplomats, diplomatic passports cannot be issued. After all, diplomatic passports must obtain a recommendation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and not only directly to the immigration office.

The refusal then made the businessman persuade Hoegeng. Hoegeng was also offered a lot of money. Feeling belittled, Hoegeng then got up from his seat and pointed at the door. This effort further emphasized Hoegeng's integrity as an honest official.

"You see that's the door. So you just have to choose: get out well or I'll kick out the door! To hell with your money!,” said Hoegeng with an unhappy face as written by Abrar Yusra and Ramadhan KH in the book Hoegeng: Ideal Police and Reality (1993).

*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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