Murder In The Midst Of The Rolling Stones Concert In History Today, December 6, 1969
Photo illustration of The Rolling Stones concert (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

JAKARTA - On December 6, 1969, a fan who attended the Rolling Stone concert at the Altamont Free Concert 1969, was killed. The fan, named Meredith Hunter, had previously tried to approach the stage and was violently chased away by members of the Hells Angels motorcycle club who were "approved" by the manager to be a security guard.

Citing History, at that time the Rolling Stones were about to end their tour in the United States (US) in late 1969 with a concert that was at least on par with West Coast Woodstock, a music festival that was valued both in terms of funding and planning. Unlike Woodstock, the 1969 Altamont Free Concert was not well managed.

Most of those dealing with festivals are the result of impromptu improvisation, even before having a definite place and preparations are made in the days before the concert. It wasn't until December 4, 1969 that the organizers set the venue for the concert.

Meanwhile, the concert took place on December 6, 1969. At that time the concert would feature Santana, Jefferson Airplane, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and the Grateful Dead.

They will all also support the performance of The Rolling Stones, the band that is most eagerly awaited. The event involved members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang acting as informal security staff in exchange for $500.

It was already dark when the Grateful Dead was scheduled to perform. But all of the Grateful Dead members and staff reportedly left the place for their safety.

They left the concert area after Jefferson Airplane's vocalist, Marty Balin, collapsed after getting into a fight with a member of the Hells Angels. When it was the Rolling Stones' turn to perform, there was an 18-year-old teenager who is a Rolling Stones fan, Meredith Hunter, watching the concert with her boyfriend, Patti Bredehoft.

Altamont Free Concert Poster (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Hunter was about to approach the stage because he wanted the Rolling Stones to notice his presence. He also wanted to climb the speakers near the stage. But while doing so, the members of the Hells Angels chased him away violently.

According to the chronology described on the Rolling Stones website, members of the Hells Angels jerked Hunter's ears and hair, laughing out loud because they thought Hunter's actions were so ridiculous.

They pulled Hunter off the speaker and knocked him to the ground. Just as the members were about to grab Hunter's arm, Hunter immediately backed away and Hells Angels punched him in the mouth.

Hunter tried to escape into the crowd. The rest of the Hells Angels then jumped off the stage and chased after Hunter, joining his four comrades.

They hastily chased after Hunter and then managed to surround Hunter and attack him again. Reaching into his coat pocket, Hunter pulled out a gun and raised it into the air.

He gripped the gun and raised it in the air. Meanwhile Hunter's lover shouted not to shoot.

He grabbed Hunter, then turned around, turning to escape. As Hunter started to lower his gun, a short and stocky Hell Angel, Alan Passaro, jumped at Hunter from behind, grabbing his arm.

Passaro's position was riding on Hunter's back, lifting Hunter's arms above his head. The action doesn't stop there.

He then stabbed Hunter twice. The incident occurred 6 meters in front of the stage where Rolling Stone vocalist Mick Jagger was performing. Unaware that someone had died, the Rolling Stones finished their performance without further action.

Hunter is not safe
Meredith Hunter (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

A young man named Paul Cox who witnessed the incident helped Hunter turn his body to examine his stomach to stop the blood that kept pouring out. With the help of others, Cox tries to get Hunter off the scene.

Cox then headed for the Red Cross tent and Hunter was immediately placed on a metal stretcher. Hunter was still breathing even though his pulse was weak and his body was completely limp.

Hunter's nose was so completely crushed that he was gasping for air, trying to breathe through his mouth. Dr. Richard Baldwin, head of medical services at the concert, believes Hunter's injuries were so severe that if he had been operated on in hospital, he would not have survived.

Hunter was about to be evacuated to the hospital by a nearby helicopter which would allow for more complete treatment and save his life. A doctor and a number of other medical personnel examined Hunter while on the helicopter track.

They gave Hunter mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and cardiac massage. But their efforts were fruitless. Meredith Hunter turned out to be dead.

Passaro was charged with murder and tried in 1971. After 17 days of testimony, a jury of eight men and four women deliberated for 12.5 hours. Passaro was eventually released on the grounds that his murder was carried out in self-defense.

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