JAKARTA - Sukmawati Soekarnoputri gave a statement after completing the Sudhi Wadani ceremony to return to her ancestral religion, Hinduism. Sukmawati said she was relieved that her long journey to become a Hindu finally reached a point where she felt at peace.

"This is a long journey to become a Balinese Hindu, for about 66 years I finally decided to return to my ancestral religion. So when I was 4 years old, my mother really respected and loved her mother-in-law, Eyang Putri Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai," said Sukmawati, Tuesday. , October 26.

From her hobby and love of dancing, Sukmawati found a passion for life. "My mother saw that I was worthy to be a Balinese dancer, there was hope that the daughter of the President knew her own native culture. At the age of 4, I was dressed by Balinese dancers to dance Kebyrar. It was memorable," he said.

Furthermore, Sukmawati recalled her experience at the state palace. "In the past, on the right there was a Balinese gamelan set on the left and a Javanese gamelan on the right. I went on stage accompanied by Balinese gamelan. With a natural influence, actually, but when I was little I danced gracefully. Since then I have been looking for a Balinese dance teacher," he explained.

The more she explores the arts in Bali, the more firmly Sukmawati feels her love for Balinese culture. "At the age of 6-7 years when I was in Blitar, I went to my Grandmother's house. I was asked if I could dance yet? I did. Then he taught me how to dance in Bali. I just went along. The impression when I was little, Balinese art was in my soul," he explained. .

When she graduated from high school, the political situation made Sukmawati sad and felt bitter when Soekarno's family was left out. "My sister Guntur and Megawati dropped out of college because they were nationalists. I thought that if I went to college I would be left out. My mother then told me to dance. At that time there were several performing arts academies in TIM. At that time, I was still an institution, so I applied to become a dance student. There, I also learned Balinese dance again," he explained.

Apparently, Balinese art brings inner peace and the spirit not to give up. "I don't know how when I heard Balinese music, my mother was excited. Gamelan was magical, it made me excited again to live and not give up. I feel very grateful to be grateful for Balinese cultural arts that make me excited to live. Mrs. Background, Mrs. Sukmawati wants to change religion," said Sukmawati.

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